Know thyself... and know thy powder!

Yoosta B. Blue

New member
I just came in from loading up some .45 ACP in the garage (having opened a new pound of powder to do it with), when a thought hit me. This is likely "old hat" for many of you, but here's the thing. The powder charge weight that I just now used is a little more than twice the weight of another powder that I frequently use when loading that particular bullet. What if the manufacturer had goofed up and mislabeled the container in that lot? And rather than me doing what would be safe and enjoyable, there I was loading some of what I thought was one thing, but was something that could well be catastrophic.

I'm familiar enough with the powders that I regularly use so that I can tell just by its appearance what it is. But that might not always be the case for some reloaders. So, all of that to say this -- get to know your powders really well -- be safe -- and be sure when you are charging those cases, so that no nasty surprises ride along to the range with you... :eek:

Yoosta B. Blue

Jim Watson

New member
What if the manufacturer had goofed up and mislabeled the container in that lot?

This has happened, there have been recalls of mismarked powder cans. But it is very rare. Operator error in selection of powder or setting of measures is a much greater risk.