Knob Creek

Daren Thompson

New member
I will be there WILL YOU!!!!!

I will be there Saturday. If anyone from TFL will be there we should get together. Ya Know



Staff Alumnus
I'll be there on Saturday also. Looks like it might rain. Better bring rain gear (as usual).


New member
I was at Knob Creek this past Saturday. This wa smy first time to attend and I throughly enjoyed it. Wish I lived in other than one of the infamous seven that do not allow the ownership of automatic arms. At this time I intend to attend the April meet.


Staff Alumnus
I didn't even go down to the lower range. Was it flooded out? I heard firing going on down there but don't know if they were using the range or firing from the road.


I hate you guys (LOL). Had a two friends who went, but called me up to rub my nose in the fact that I didn't make it. They did say it was 'raining large dogs' Saturday. I await their homemade video. And the official one later down the road. I sure am envious of all you guys who got to go!!! Maybe next time in April I can get free. Had to work show here over that weekend.


Staff Alumnus
If you've never been to a machinegun shoot/show this is the one to see! Think of a line of mgs over 100 yds wide letting loose. Everything from Gattling Guns (original) to ....Gattling Guns (mini-guns). The show has weapons you've never even heard of for sale also. Talk about a kid in a candy store. Now if I only had about $500,000 laying around I could have picked up a mini-gun, some FA FN FALs, a few requisite HKs and M4s, 1919s, Ma Deuces, shorty 50s, 50BMG long range rifle, .303 Vickers, Mossberg AOWs etc and the ammo to feed them and a nice new BIG truck to haul them. :)