Knob Creek, no more Tannerite??

chris in va

New member
Two months ago I asked the counter guy if they allow Tannerite.

"Sure, just use the 1/2lb charges only and you're fine"

So I asked again yesterday and the guy said, "No, we had to cancel that policy. People kept double and triple charging them, sending shrapnel back at the shooters. The only Tannerite we'll have now is if one of us sets it up for the MG shoot"

Well crap.:(

I thought about writing a letter BEGGING them to reconsider Tannerite if it's done in a respectable, safe manner (no blowing up stuff). I don't care if they ask to look at my containers first, just so they allow it again.


New member
Like many things, all it takes is a few people who don't want to follow the rules, to mess things up for everyone else.:(

P5 Guy

New member
Idiot Ruins for All

Why not just ban the guys that do not follow the ranges rules. This would be done if there was a shooter that was firing in an unsafe manner, wouldn't it?