Knife control


New member
Here is an article from the Boston Globe about thier gun murder rate going down and thier stabbing murder rate going up:

The last paragraph says it all:

''If this is what we are starting to see, there may need to be new efforts, including an awareness campaign around this issue,'' McDevitt ( a criminologist at Northeastern University's Center for Criminal Justice) said. ''People are very aware of what to do with guns in the house. If knives are becoming common, we need to educate people about storing knives in a locked box, so they're less available in a passionate situation.''

I can just see it now, Hey honey, would you unlock the box and get me the butter knife?


New member
Safe Storage laws for your steak knives

Coming soon to a socialist utopia near you!

I wonder if these people actually take a minute to *think* about what they are saying? No, wait...probably not. I know too many professorial types.



That thinking is nothing new.He is just copying what the brits have been saying for a long time.Its funny how stupidity is catching.

Master Blaster

New member
How about pointy stick control????
You know the human hand is the real weapon here, the knife or gun are only the tool. Boy my Henkels 9" chefs knife would make these pansies tremble, you should see what I did with it last night. I brutalized an onion and a head of broccoli. My wife appreciates my knife handling skills since she eats the dinner I usually cook with my rapier.

Perhaps if we all wore handcuffs (safety control clasps) around all day the world would be a safer place!!! We could travel in Buddy groups of four, the key sets would be matched to the buddy group, and it would take three keys to open each set of safety control clasps. A micro chip implanted in our ass at birth would advise the BIT (bureau of impure thoughts) that the safety clasps were off.

I know the ATF I mean the ATFk (bureau of alcohol tobacco firearms and knives) could require a background check at every department store for any dangerous edged kitchen weapon sold.

Seriously, I spent a week in Bermuda last year and the gazette had 2-3 kniffing incidents in the crime section every day (August is a hot month in BDA). Guns are 100% illegal except for the queens Army "Home Regiment".

My scientific conclusion based upon one week of detailed observation in BDA is that the frustration of not owning a gun causes people to stab each other. This is supported by evidence in Boston and England.


New member
Master Blaster wrote:
My wife appreciates my knife handling skills since she eats the dinner I usually cook with my rapier.

This reminded me of one Christmas at my in-laws' home, some years back. We'd built a gingerbread house on the first day of our weeklong visit and the children wanted to eat it before we went home (ugh ...)

Anyway, the gingerbread and icing had hardened to the consistency of rock and none of us could break off even a tiny piece for the kids. My father-in-law, an Olympic-level fencing instructor, pulled down one of his old battered swords from atop a cabinet.


Bits and pieces of gingerbread flew in various directions and the children cheered.

It was a great scene. Wish I had it on video.



New member
Knives in Switzerland

Hmmm...down here, we have laws against certain kinds of knives too. At
least for the purchase of one of these, you need a permit, but you can
get them if you're in good standing.

Carrying of any one-hand-opening folder with a blade longer that 9cm
is also banned, but obviously, it didn't lower the robbery rates. at
least in the city of Berne.


New member

so all the Swiss Army knives were shipped to the rest of the world?:)

For everyone: I'm looking to get a scabbard made for my 18" chainsaw - do I need a "carry" ticket? Aside from weight, printing will probably be a problem.

Well, I can understand the "effort in blossom" for ka-nife kon-troll - after all, fingernail clippers are taboo in schoolhouses. How about lapel pins, hair pins? Blunt pencils will be required and sharpeners will be re-engineered to adapt them - "dulleners"?

An idea - take all the xx-liberals, draft them, insist they learn weaponry (probably the basics: "this is your rifle, this is your gun - this is for ....etc.) which is about all you'd get through) and turn them loose on a duplicate of Iwo Jima. ["xx"= not decent liberals, but the absolutely ridiculous ones.]

Well, I was gonna rant some more, but you're already tired of this.



New member
Let's make a million $$$ ....

I bet we could make a gajillion dollars inventing a "smart knife" with technology which prevents it from being sharp unless it is held by a legally-registered owner wearing a special decoder ring. Printed on the blade would be the following: Warning: This knife contains a cutting edge. Please refer to the owner's manual before whittling anything.

In the meantime, we'll just install scabbard locks and sponsor knife buybacks. Turn in your steak knives for a discount coupon to the local Black Angus.



New member
Yeah sure, I'll keep my knives in a locked box 24/7.
But I think the Government should supply the box, and so as to prevent loss of property I think ti should be a fireproof wall safe, with an electronic lock, so tis that much harder for the children to open, and also if its mounted at the right height on the wall the little ones cant reach it.
If they will do that for me, install too, tehn i will lock all my knives in it just for them.

Now whether they stay in there or not is a different question.
I eman i can think of a lot better places to keep knives ( in my pocket or on my belt) and a lot better uses for a free wall safe.


Go ahead, take my knife, I dare ya, cause yer gonna have to get close enough to me to take it which means i'm that much closer to you!!!!!!!!!