Klinton's got cancer! I feel his pain!

Like hell! It should have been rectal cancer so that he knows what it feels like getting screwed for eight years.

Maybe he'll say that it is a right-wing conspiracy or it's the NRA's fault.



Clinton Diagnosed with Skin Cancer
January 16, 2001, 11:15 AM

By Deb Riechmann, AP

WASHINGTON -- The growth removed from
President Clinton's back last week has tested positive for
skin cancer, the White House said Tuesday.

White House press secretary Jake Siewert said
pathology results confirmed the diagnosis of basal cell
carcinoma. The flat lesion was discovered at a Jan. 12
physical at Bethesda Naval Hospital in suburban

"This is a relatively common form of skin cancer,
800,000 to 1 million cases a year," Siewert said. "The
lesion was removed, so while the president, it can be
said, had skin cancer, that has been removed and he no
longer has it."

When doctors removed the lesion, the tissue around it
also was treated with a "scraping and burning" technique,
a common procedure, Siewert said.

He said pathologists noted that the entire lesion was
removed and that the possibility of recurrence is low.

Clinton will have a follow-up visit with the dermatologist
in six months, Siewert said.

"If there's no evidence of new lesions at that time, it will
be followed up on an annual basis," he said.

After the exam, Dr. David Corbett, retired chairman of
the hospital's dermatology department, said Clinton has
had "sun-damage spots" before, but this is the first time
such spots raised suspicions of skin cancer.

Basal cell carcinoma is the most curable form of skin
cancer. It is a slow-growing cancer usually confined to
the surface of skin -- and thus doctors almost always can
remove it all with a shallow incision.

The sun-caused tumors usually begin as a small, waxlike
nodule on the skin, sometimes looking like pearly white
scars. They also can form scabs that alternately bleed
and heal.

Besides the skin cancer and a slightly elevated
cholesterol level, doctors pronounced Clinton in good
health as he prepares to leave the White House.

(Copyright 2001 by The Associated Press. All Rights


New member
When I first heard that he had a cancerous growth removed from his back, my first thought was that he had a divorce.

I hope he is cured so that he can enjoy his incarceration after he is charged and convicted.

Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
Can't bring myself to be happy he's got cancer, thought he probably assumes I am since I'm an NRA member and thus employ the politics of personal destruction.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
I've had three of these little critters cut off, and some 25 "burned" off with nitrogen.

For the "in-betweeners", I've used a gel called Efudex. It works great on the skin cancer, but gives me the "galloping" hives. :( I keep the benadryl company stockholders happy.

I got no use for Clinton, but I wouldn't wish this garbage on anybody.

At least it's carcinoma, and not melanoma.

If you get a new dark mole show up somewhere, run! Do not walk, to the nearest MD. Get it cut off, yesterday. If you get the "I'm too busy" mindset going, you're gonna die.

Art Eatman

I know that it was a bit over the edge! But, I take these thing a lot differently and in stride. Both my wife and father have had cancer and it is a very terrible disease. I myself have been stricken with serious health problems, but we all just move on. We are all not victims! These are just bumps on the road.

So, I'll agree with you. My apologies!

Let's just hope he gets convicted and sent to prison. Share a jail sell with someone that thinks he's really cute.


I hope the cancer is recuperating nicely from the operation. Having something disgusting like Bill growing on your back can be pretty messy.

Long Path

New member
The only cancer that would really "eat" at Slick Willy is obscurity.

...and I'd LOVE to see him succumb to that!

But he won't put up with it. Mark my words: Within two years of his exiting public office, Clinton will be in Hollywood movies, making appearances as a public spokesman, or doing something else that thrusts him again into the spotlight.


In the meantime, I won't rejoice at any man of our nation getting cancer.



New member
Sorry, folks, but he won't get any pity from me. I shed a tear when Nixon died, even though I despised him. But Clinton? No way.



New member
Klinton *IS* cancer, and has been, on my back and yours, for
the last eight years.

I don't want the b******* to die of cancer, I want him to be hung from the Washington Monument for his treasons and his betrayal of my country and the Constitution I swore to defend with my life.

I have N-O-T-H-I-N-G kind to say about the b******. He deserves none of my compassion.


New member
I wish I was the doc who got to do the scrape and burn


Had melanoma on my leg in 1985. Pretty scary. (Excision, no amputation or chemo; about the size of a dime. I'm okay, knock on wood.) Had a couple of scrapes and burns, bunch of nitro freezes and right now I'm doing the Efudex treatment Art talked about, so my whole face is bright red and peeling. Kind of hard to feel much sympathy for Bill, but I hope he dies of something else after a long life of shame and disgrace.

My point is Keep your kids out of the sun unless they're wearing sunscreen. And make them wear a hat.


Ledbetter, the Red

Kentucky Rifle

New member
Skin Cancer

My complexion is sort of a medium white shade and I'm 50 years old. With construction summer jobs and marathon trips to Florida, sunburns were an every summer thing. 30-35 years ago, who knew?? I go to the Dermatologist every year and have the damn things cut, burned, or frozen off. I don't know how many times the rough little spots have had to be removed, but I've now got lots of these little white scars all over my arms. (Even a couple on my face.)
Pain in the rear but, except for one, they've all been the Basil or Squamis
types. (I probably spelled that wrong but these two are the "less" serious types.)

Kentucky Rifle


New member

Surgery to remove the distgusting growth is scheduled for Saturday, January 20th, 2001.

[Edited by iso1 on 01-19-2001 at 06:01 AM]