KLAS-TV POLL: Teachers & Guns


New member
KLAS-TV in Las Vegas is running a poll on a proposed bill that would allow teachers to carry guns in schools.

Sen. Bob Beers will introduce a bill that would allow teachers, who receive training, to carry guns at school. Do you agree or disagree?


1. The poll is in the top 1/4 of the page on the left side.
2. There is an article where the bill's author talks to the news at http://www.klas-tv.com/Global/story.asp?S=5811854
3. This debate is now posted on the front page too.
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old 12 gauge

YES if it will allow more people to have and carry weapons when many people want to ban them, the more carriers, the more votes to keep them,
and if parents aren't allowed to discipline their kids, maybe the teachers should be allowed to pistol whip a couple to bring the rest in line. more jobs for attornies also, as each teacher will have to have one in class all yr.


New member

Simply because the question did not mention parental carry while on school grounds. If I cannot carry when on school grounds noone should be able to, including police officers, teachers, God, kids hellbent on a shooting spree or illegal immigrants


New member
Simply because the question did not mention parental carry while on school grounds. If I cannot carry when on school grounds noone should be able to, including police officers, teachers, God, kids hellbent on a shooting spree or illegal immigrants

Gee B.C. -- feel better now? :D

I think the 80/20 rule applies here. 80% of teachers would never even think of owning a gun, much less bringing one to school.

Probably 80% of the ones who do own a gun will not bring one to school in the trunk of their car.

And I doubt we'd see teachers in classrooms with a 1911 or .357 on their hip either. There's just too much possibility that a single teacher could be overwhelmed in a class and the weapon misused. And if you think a teacher can keep a handgun concealed from students year 'round, I'd suggest differently.

All this proposed bill would do is keep a teacher from being prosecuted if they had a firearm available somewhere when the shooting started and perhaps if it was in their car if it was stolen from the teacher's parking lot.

Personally, I think a bill should be proposed to teach firearms safety as an elective course for seniors. Cover the safe handling and operation of a variety of firearms along with the legal and moral aspects of their use. By making it an elective course you can determine how much interest there is for the course and set minimum standards (e.g. a grade point average) to weed out the slackers.