Klamath Falls' invisible foe


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Klamath Falls' invisible foe


© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

Is there any connection between Klamath Falls, Oregon, and the town of LaVerkin, Utah? Very definitely – but few people realize it.

The LaVerkin City Council adopted a "U.N.-Free Zone" on July 4th. The media and other vociferous liberals have had a field day ridiculing the town officials for their "black-helicopter" paranoia. But had Klamath Falls adopted such an ordinance some years ago, the farmers in the Klamath basin might not be battling for their very existence today.

Yes, there is a connection between the two towns – and other towns and cities across the country. That connection also includes Vancouver, Rio de Janeiro and other cities around the world. The connection is the public policy which now places a higher value on a sucker fish than on human beings. LaVerkin, Utah, has good reason to try to protect its citizens from the intrusion of similar policies that can disrupt and destroy their way of life.

Let's back up a moment. The Endangered Species Act of 1973 is the legal authority by which the federal government must withhold water from the farmers – to protect the bottom-feeding sucker fish, which is said to be endangered or threatened.

There is a vigorous debate about the validity of the listing, since the listing came as an "emergency," which avoided any scientific review of the evidence, or any deliberate input from those who are directly affected. But that's another battle.

The fish are listed. The farmers are denied water. And their land and their livelihoods are literally twisting in the wind.


Section 2, paragraph (4) of the Endangered Species Act provides the answer. It says the law is enacted "pursuant to: the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora," and five other international treaties.

Most of the treaties were actually drafted by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), in Gland, Switzerland. This IUCN's membership consists mostly of environmental organizations and governmental agencies. Six U.S. federal departments maintain independent membership in the IUCN – at an annual membership fee in excess of $50,000 each.

The same NGOs (non-government organizations) which, as members of the IUCN, helped draft the international treaties, are on the ground in the United States, lobbying Congress to ratify the treaties and enact laws such as the Endangered Species Act, to implement the treaties.

Klamath farmers are victims of public policy that originated in the international community.

Citizens of LaVerkin, Utah, are directly in the path of public policy which threatens their land and livelihoods. These policies, too, originated in the international community.

LaVerkin is in Washington County, Utah. So is Zion National Park, less than 10 miles from the small town. LaVerkin is within 100 miles of four other properties inventoried for future nomination as U.N. World Heritage Sites, according to a federal register notice of January 8, 1982 (Vol. 47, No. 5).

What does this have to do with anything? Ask the people who live within 100 miles of Yellowstone National Park – a World Heritage Site. Throughout the early 1990s, a gold mine near the park spent more than $30 million trying to satisfy federal permit requirements. Months before the process would have been completed, environmental organizations, many of which are members of the IUCN, petitioned the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, which is also a member of the IUCN, to declare Yellowstone to be a World Heritage Site "in danger."

The World Heritage Committee, at the request of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, sent a team of international "experts," one of whom represented the IUCN, which has a consultative advisory contract with UNESCO, to evaluate the park.

Surprise, surprise! When the team reported to UNESCO, the park was declared to be "in danger." The treaty, which the United States has ratified, requires that when a site is declared to be "in danger," the host nation must take "protective" measures, even beyond the boundary of the site.

One proposal advanced by the environmental organizations called for protecting 18-million acres around the 2.9 million-acre park, much of which was private property. The gold mine was not allowed to mine the gold.

It is more than a coincidence that many of the environmental organizations which signed the letter urging UNESCO intervention in Yellowstone, also signed a similar letter to U.S. and Mexican government agencies, urging that "international" standards be established to govern water rights in the Colorado river. The Sierra Club and the National Audubon Society are among the several organizations which signed the Colorado River letter and the Yellowstone letter. Two Audubon Society affiliates, along with the Glen Canyon Institute, are headquartered in Utah, and have an interest in the five sites near LaVerkin, as well as the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, all of which are subject to land-management policies that originate in the international community.

The letter calling for international standards to govern water rights on the Colorado River, cites as authority: the RAMSAR Convention on Wetlands, Agenda 21, the Convention on Biological Diversity, and the Rio Declaration – all products of the United Nations.

It is especially significant that the Audubon Society is among the NGOs clamoring for more international control. The Audubon Society, along with The Nature Conservancy, funded the work of Dr. Reed Noss, known as "The Wildlands Project."

This is the land management scheme that starts with core wilderness areas – off limits to humans – connected by corridors of wilderness, surrounded by government-managed "buffer zones," which are surrounded by "zones of cooperation." Each of these zones is designed to continually expand as the result of "restoration and rehabilitation" projects. Restoration means returning the land to the same condition as it was before Columbus arrived. There are 47 such U.N. Biosphere Reserves in the United States, and more than 380 around the world.

The Wildlands Project is described as "central" to the effective implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity, according to the U.N.'s Global Biodiversity Assessment (page 993).

The LaVerkin City Council is not afraid of black helicopters, or blue-helmets, or white tanks – as shallow-minded media masters would like people to believe. LaVerkin officials have a genuine concern about the silent, sinister expansion of U.N. influence over domestic land-use policies, especially as they relate to land in Washington County, Utah.

The farmers in the Klamath basin do not know that the U.N.'s policy on land, adopted in 1976 in Vancouver, British Columbia, says explicitly that:

Land ... cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership is also a principal instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth and therefore contributes to social injustice; Public control of land use is therefore indispensable …

The Klamath basin is an area that environmental elitists want to "restore" to its pre-Columbian condition. The sucker fish, like the spotted owl and the red-legged frog, is simply a surrogate – an excuse – to invoke the Endangered Species Act, to force people off the land.

Virtually every area of the United States is under siege, from policies that originate in the international community, which are incorporated into law or rule, and imposed upon unsuspecting citizens.

Hold your heads high, LaVerkin, you may prove to be among the wisest.

Hold on as long as you can, Klamath farmers, your courage is helping to reveal the sinister, ulterior motives of the environmental extremists who think they know best how everyone else should live.


New member
A good one John . . .

The fine hand of the NWO is exposed here.

Land ... cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership is also a principal instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth and therefore contributes to social injustice; Public control of land use is therefore indispensable …

Geez, I thought I was reading Karl Marx (I probably was).

Pressures and inefficiencies of the market? Oh yeah, bureaucracies, especially those run by Socialists, are SO much more efficient. :barf:

Jeff Thomas

New member
I saw the movie "Dr. Doolittle 2" recently. A real propaganda tour de force.

The plot revolves around the cynical use of endangered species law to stop a logging operation. The audience cheers as the loggers are prevented from working because Dr. Doolittle brings two rare bears together in the forest. I'm not making this up.

There was no mention of who owned the land, and who had rights to log. Such a petty detail. How can private property rights stand tall when there are critters to save?

The spectre of international interference in sovereignity and fundamental American human rights is a definite threat. But elitists will always mock those who are concerned ... leftists have found it to be a reasonably effective tool against their foes. Unfortunately, too many Americans buy this slop.

The fight for freedom never ends, and the fight for freedom has always been a minority movement. We simply must recognize those realities, and do our best every day in the struggle for individual liberty and personal responsibility.

Regards from AZ


New member
Good find John. Passin to all I can.

Side thought "bottom feeding sucker fish" probably also protected by the Bar Association.


New member
If anything were to happen the feds had better think twice about getting pushy like they did in OR. The Mormons were the only group I know of to face down the federal lackies while armed and turn them away. Happened just north of SLC in the 1800's. They may at first appear to be mild mannered folk but I wouldn't push them. They came out here to be left alone and the folks in Laverkin are saying just that, leave us alone, we will not tolerate your outside influence.

It wouldn't be the first time the Mormons had kicked some ass on those that came against them and left the bodies in the desert.


New member
Klamath Falls isn't the only place

FOX News via FreeRepublic

Oklahoma Farmers To Fight Minnow-Protecting Feds

OKLAHOMA CITY — The Oklahoma Farm Bureau announced Friday that it has set up a legal foundation and is mapping plans to file a lawsuit protesting the federal government's actions to protect a minnow.

Earlier this year, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service declared waterways in western Oklahoma and parts of three other states a critical habitat region under the Endangered Species Act, a move to further protect the Arkansas River shiner.

Steve Kouplen of Beggs, Okla., Farm Bureau president, said the action could spark "a flood of burdensome regulations" that would encroach on farmers' property rights.

"We are preparing to take our fight to the courtrooms because that is where our rights and freedoms will be ultimately decided," he said.

He said his organization is part of a coalition of 26 groups in Oklahoma, Kansas, New Mexico and Texas that are looking at legal action.

Affected areas are portions of the Cimarron River in Oklahoma and Kansas, the Beaver/North Canadian River in Oklahoma, the Canadian/South Canadian River in Oklahoma, New Mexico and Texas and the Arkansas River in Kansas.

Kouplen said 98 percent of the affected area is privately owed land.

He said the coalition contends the critical habitat designation was based on faulty economic analysis and assumptions and not supported by scientific evidence.

He said the government did not prepare an environmental impact statement and did not follow its own definition of a critical habitat.

Farm Bureau officials said the Oklahoma Agricultural Legal Foundation has been established to raise money for the pending legal fight. They said farmers have a lot of land but often lack a lot of cash to put toward legal expenses.

Most of the water in question is in 22 western Oklahoma counties.

Under regulations that went into effect earlier this year, federal permit applications for road and bridge construction, channel work, flood control and other activities in the affected areas must be reviewed for any detrimental consequences on the habitat.

Oklahoma farmers fear the designation could lead to restrictions on the use of fertilizers or pesticides on their land.

The federal government, citing a severe drop in the population of the minnow species, designated 1,148 miles of rivers as critical habitat, including land at least 300 feet on both sides of the streams.

"We believe farmers who depend upon the land for their livelihood are the best decision makers for the good of the land," Kouplen said.


New member
Thanks to all of you- forward as many links you can to as many other people & boards as possible.


New member
Mike! Ouch! I've heard variants of that for years..... but it's still good for a laugh.

ALL- thanks for responding, and kindly pass this link on to any other sites or boards you think would welcome this info.

Remember, today it's Klamath Basin's farms, businesses, and jobs- tommorrow it may be yours.... or your friends or neighbors.

Pass this on!


New member
Does anyone know of a predator that could be "accidentally" introduced which would make short work of suckerfish ??? Just asking .Pike ? Muskie ? ;)