Kitchen Bioweapons


New member
Well, I know several people mentioning in the past that it was realtively easy to make a bioweapon. Looks like some researchers not only agree, but have proved the theory...


Following a recipe downloaded from the Internet and using gene sequences from a mail-order supply house, researchers have assembled a manmade version of the polio virus to prove how easy it would be for terrorists to make deadly biological weapons.

Researchers at the University of New York at Stony Brook assembled the virus and then injected it into mice to show that it worked. The animals were paralyzed and then killed.

"The reason we did it was to prove that it can be done and it now is a reality," said Dr. Eckard Wimmer, leader of the biomedical research team and co-author of the study appearing Friday in the journal Science.

"This approach has been talked about, but people didn't take it seriously," Wimmer said. "Now people have to take it seriously. Progress in biomedical research has its benefits and it has its down side. There is a danger inherent to progress in sciences. This is a new reality, a new consideration."


New member
Geez... and I thought this was going to be about the turkey tetrazzini in the back of the fridge...

"If somebody orders a number of these sequences, then the company should be required to report it," said Wimmer. "It's a simple mechanism to prevent the misuse."
Of course, if a lot of somebodies order a few sequences apiece, they'll never be able to trace it. :eek:

- pdmoderator


New member
Anyone ever even SMELL Vietnamese fish sauce that's been left out for several days then reheated? At least Kimchee you have to eat before you fall over....


New member
Anyone ever even SMELL Vietnamese fish sauce that's been left out for several days then reheated?
I bought a 500-ml bottle in 1993. It's just about used up now. :eek:

Like sauerkraut, it's pre-rotted, so it can't spoil.

- pdmoderator


New member
PDmod, you must not like nukmam much. I go through a liter of it every 5 - 6 months. I used to go through it faster when I was married to a Thai woman. Nam pla (nukmam) is a wonderful addition to so many foods.


New member
mmmm PHO!

well they do put in enough MSG to be considered bioterror.

funny thing is when you cook with fish sauce(nuc mam) dont smell or taste like feet anymore.


New member
Stuff I just killed was called "Rufina" and it was made in Manila.

Ingredients: Fish, salt.

Used about a tablespoonful in a pot of curry. Made curry 1-2 times a month.

Would love to get to a good Vietnamese place again if I can ever find one...

- pdmoderator


New member
Oops! I thought this thread was one on making habenero sauce.

I don't think any homemade sauce beats Southwest Specialty Foods "Spontaneous Combustion" sauce though. Four drops are all it takes for a generous serving of greens or beans and twelve drops will season a crockpot full of chili. :p


New member
Tobasco now has a Habeñero sauce.
To me it is tastier than Blair's Death Sauce and has more punch.
Relatively cheap too.



New member
My sister's meatloaf is definitely a bio-weapon. Ot has been known to produce a form of dysentery. NO JOKE!!!:p


New member
... there were (bachelor-) times, when I came home after 4 weeks contract work and the whole freakin refridgerator had turned into a science project ... :D


New member
Anyone ever even SMELL Vietnamese fish sauce that's been left out for several days then reheated?

Runt crosses eyes, falls over backwards.

My kitchen biohazard of the week is the three day old leftover Pad Kra Pow in the fridge.


New member
Pad Ka Pow? Is that the kind of Thai food where the mercury in the fish sauce gets fulminated? :D

Even further off topic: I've got a T-shirt from the Kennedy Space Center that says "Pad Rat." Always wanted to go into a Thai place and order some. ;)

- pdmoderator