Kind of wierd-why do I have to have multiple copies of every firearm I own?


New member
Okay. Drag out your Psych 101 books. When I find a gun I like, I am compelled to buy multiple copies of it. I like my Glocks, so I have to have several. I love my Garands, so I have several of these. It would seem strange to have just one of any of them.

Does anyone do this? Why? I bet someone could write their college thesis on the mentality of hoarding and/or collecting. It certainly would not be limited to just guns. Some people I know are the exact same way with knives.



New member
For the guns I really like, I try to buy at least two. One to shoot with and one to keep in pristine condition. I think the logic of my thinking is that I like stuff in brand new condition. No scratches, no wear, no blemishes, etc. Sorta like having a brand new car, you hate to see dings and scratches on it.


New member
If one gun is good, 3 or 4 of the same thing is better...

Can't say I'm any different, I have two nearly identical AKs and I'd have more in different calibers too if I wasn't broke...


New member
Why? Because stuff breaks (especially if you let me touch your guns), wears out, NY reloads, etc., et al.

Find a firearm you like. Buy 4 of that weapon and bunches of mags.

#1. to carry;
#2. in reserve in the safe;
#3. at `smith;
#4. hidden off your property.

Eases logistics and if others are around you can all use the same weapon.

Standard disclaimer: You should know how to use more that just your fav guns though. The Mall Ninja should have no favorite weapon!:D


New member
Maybe the same reason some guys always come home with the same looking blue shirt when they shop for clothes, eat waffles every morning for breakfast, hotdogs for everyday lunch and spam for dinner... I see it all the time. Some dudes just like what they like and that's that. :p


New member
Yes, I do that too. Gets kind of expensive when you want to expand your collection and you have to buy at least one of the same.

For me it's "If something happens to my primary copy, I have a backup copy to use while the other is being fixed".


New member
Its the same way with firearms as with women.
One just isn't enough! :p
But then again, there isn't a lot of twins out there... :(
So, I collect my guns the same way, one of each kind.
But I can see the temptation of having multiple. ;)


New member
No two guns exactly alike.

That's my story, and I'm stickin with it.

Sam, "No honey, it's not a walk in gun safe, tis a bomb shelter with guns in it."


New member
At least two.
Any gun worth having is worth having two of.

"One to carry, one to practice with" works for sidearms, dunno for rifles, maybe "one to shoot, one to admire"?


New member
I did that with my "collection" purposely to enhance the experience down the road.
There are 2 or more of certain calibers/guns.

For instance, the M96 and an AG-42B. No scopes. Blue and wood. As issued. Great history. Look cool together:cool: . One kind of ammo for the range trip!

Or, the .308's. L1A1 Klinton Sporter and the 700PSS. One autoloader, one bolt action. Ditto above for the ammo.

Or, the Remington autoloaders. One 740 first year production, one 7400 Y2K production. One rifle, one carbine. One wood and blue, one synthetic and matte. Both .30-06.

With the .22's, there's a pump/bolt/autoloader/single-shot to get the kiddies familiar with the types of actions. That was planned.

Over time, it was fun, and I highly recommend the practice!:D

You're not sick! I am!:p

Chief Jones

New member
It's just like (well, kinda...) women and shoes. Look in her closet some day....It'll scare the hell out of you, but also give you an alibi for that next gun in the safe that "followed ya home"


New member
I don't necessarily buy two of everything but I make sure I buy AT LEAST two of the ones that I'm particularly fond of. Same configuration, same type of ammo used, broken in and ready to go...this is in case my first gun is rendered unavailable :D

cracked butt

New member
I never felt as though I needed more than one copy of a rifle until I bought my first 96 Swede. Now I have a couple of them and still feel as though I don't have enough.


New member
I have five kids, also have duplicates of several of my other favorite toys including some boom sticks.
I wish the wife would get over me wanting a spare spouse or three... it makes perfect sense. Really. It does.

Like Mae West said, "Too much of a good thing is ...Wonderful!"


I would rather hoard guns than money.
Think about it.


New member
for me, its admiration for the design

I stoped at 5 mausers. I wont bore you w/ calibers and specifics, but they're all totally reliable, easy to operate and maintain, and, w/ the right ammo, are brutally accurate.

good shooting