Kimber Warrior: help me out with these quirks...

Greg Bell

New member

I have noticed a few oddities about my warrior. Help me out.

1. I have a habit of dumping the slide with the slide release. Occasionaly (and it is becoming rare) the ammo will get stuck on the ramp before it completley clears the mag. It sometimes sets the bullet back in the casing. This happens with the factory 7 rounder and my 7 round Springfield (Metalform?) mags.

I know of only one solution: sling shoting. I have never had the issue when I sling shot. That is fine, but I wonder if this quirk is a sign of other problems? Any other solutions other than the sling shot band-aid?

2. Today, for the first time, I had regular jams (again, stuck halfway out of the mag and onto the ramp). This happened very early in my shooting. I took the gun apart, jostled the recoil spring around a litt, and put the gun back together. The gun did not have another problem in the next ~175 rounds.

What could this be? It was jamming about half way through each mag (never on the last round).

Note, the gun has no modifications other than a short trigger. The slide-release issue was always there--and used to be worse. The jams today are a new occurance, and did not happen last week (and I had the trigger then).



New member
I have had the same exact problems with three different Kimbers. Two made the trip back to the almighty Dennis at the "Custon":rolleyes: Shop. Came back the same way. Now shoot two Glock 19s.:D


New member
I had issues with my Kimber like this. I needed new mags. Chip Mckormick power mags fixed it up. You said it was catching on the feed, right? Maybe the recoil spring, but I'd think the mags first.

Greg Bell

New member
Thanks. I wondered that, but it is doing it with mags that were fine up until today. Hmmm. I may try the recoil spring.

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
I believe that ole' Dennis will get the weapon up and runn'in?

Keep in mind, that the Kimber Warrior they sell commerically IS NOT
the same Kimber Warrior issued our troops in Iraq and Afaganistan.
The rails on the commerical model are fixed; and can't be removed.
On the Marine Corps Special Ops weapons, the operator has a choice
to leave it on, or take it off. BTW, All Kimber Warriors are worked over
by competent Marine Corps gunsmiths before they hit the field~!


New member
I have, from time to time, had problems such as yours with most of my Kimbers (full size and compact) when using mags with split-metal followers. I switched over to Wilson Combat mags with single-piece polymer followers and have had no issues since. Having learned that lesson, I never even used the factory mag that came with my Warrior; I went straight to Wilson Combat mags and have never had this problem come up.


New member
BTW, All Kimber Warriors are worked over
by competent Marine Corps gunsmiths before they hit the field~!

I guess they don't trust ol' Dennis either. As far as the ICQB pistol, I believe that was just one initial purchase, as I have read MARSOC is no more. The Corps did however start purchasing 1911s for MEU-SOC I believe. They went with Springfield.
The Kimber mags are a joke and should be replaced. I like Wilson Combat mags. That would be the first place I would start. If that does not take care of it you may need to send it back to Kimber to have them take a look at the feed ramp.

P.S. What type of ammo are you using?? FMJ or HP?


New member
Congrats on the Warrior purchase

During my CCW qual a few weeks ago with my CDP Pro, the instructor gave me a chance to shoot his Warrior - it was a great handling and performing pistol. I tore out the X-ring at 1 sec shot intervals and we were both impressed with the group. So much so, I ordered one last week for myself!

I have had great success with the KimPro Tac mags (8 rounders) - I used mine to feed the WWB BEB 230gr Wal-mart specials in his Warrior. No issues whatsoever and he has had no problems with his Warrior at all.

Good luck with the troubleshooting - I'm looking forward to next week to start shooting with mine!



New member
I guess they don't trust ol' Dennis either. As far as the ICQB pistol, I believe that was just one initial purchase, as I have read MARSOC is no more. The Corps did however start purchasing 1911s for MEU-SOC I believe. They went with Springfield.

Det One was the test-bed unit for the creation of the MARSOC regiment. Det One is the unit that got the Kimbers, due to pressing need/short timeline/etc. Det One did go away, when MARSOC was formed.

As far as I know, MARSOC has not gone away. If anything, I'd guess they'll double in size in the next ten years or so, unless the conventionalists in the USMC senior leadership kick back hard against the idea of really committing to special operations.

MEU-SOC pistols, as far as I know, are all in-house rebuilds of government 1911A1s. Springfield's "MC Operator" is just advertising, unless I'm mistaken.


New member
MarSoc is a component of USSOCOM, it has many elements within it. The largest is the FMTU (foreign military training unit), there are also fire supporters that fill the role of ANGLICO and what gets most of the press is the small contingent of "operators" that use to be 2nd Force Reconnaissance.

Only that small contingent is equipped with 45s, the rest have the same weapons as the rest of the Marine Corps.

Greg Bell

New member

I am convinced I was limp wristing. Today I did nothing but Mozambique drills and had no problems whatsoever. It is only when I try a bullseye style light grip that I have this problem. FWIW, I can jam my Glock and make it throw brass in my face with the same hold. When I do my combat drills, I invariably use a "gorilla grip"--and therefore no jam.

Further, there were no troubles using the slide-release today ( I can still feel the hesitation though), I think this is just break-in stuff.

The Kimber is a absurdly accurate gun, btw.

Also, I really could care less if the Kimber was picked by this or that special forces unit. I picked mine out of a number of other 1911s based on the trigger, features, and fit and finish. A close second was Springfield "Operator." I could have went either way.


New member
Det One was the test-bed unit for the creation of the MARSOC regiment. Det One is the unit that got the Kimbers, due to pressing need/short timeline/etc. Det One did go away, when MARSOC was formed.

As far as I know, MARSOC has not gone away. If anything, I'd guess they'll double in size in the next ten years or so, unless the conventionalists in the USMC senior leadership kick back hard against the idea of really committing to special operations.

MEU-SOC pistols, as far as I know, are all in-house rebuilds of government 1911A1s. Springfield's "MC Operator" is just advertising, unless I'm mistaken

My bad, I confused Det 1 with MARSOC. Springfield is supplying the MEU-SOC with pistols as the armorers at Quantico cannot keep up. This was even referneced ny Pat Rogers. Kinda weird how Det 1 went kimber and the others went Springer.


New member
I am convinced I was limp wristing. Today I did nothing but Mozambique drills and had no problems whatsoever. It is only when I try a bullseye style light grip that I have this problem.

Good job finding the problem. Could the limpwristing be caused shooting a gun with a different grip angle? The 1911 grip is a lot different than the Glock grip. I went to an indoor range with a friend one time. We both own 1911 guns. We rented a Glock 21, and although we didn't have a FTF, we both had POI problems with it because of the Glock's grip angle, which is a lot different than the 1911 grip angle, or at least it felt (and aimed) a lot different.

Edited to add:
The Kimber is a absurdly accurate gun
Yup, mine too. :cool:

Greg Bell

New member
Today I added a 16 pound Wilson recoil spring. I was only able to shoot 100 rounds but it functioned without incident. Also, I sling-shoted the slide every time. I did notice that one of my Springfield mags would no longer drop free. I guess it bowed at some point. Fed fine though.

Hey, I have shot 600 rounds through the Kimber since Thursday! Dan