Kimber Ultra Raptor Info...


New member
I just got back from the local shop and I have absolutely fell in love with the Kimber Ultra Raptor. One of the sweetest looking 1911's I have ever seen and I loved how it felt in hand. And since i am looking for a new cc gun I think this one has officially been moved to the top of my to buy list.

Before i drop the 1000 thought i am just curious if any of you guys have one and what you thought about it.


Shadi Khalil

New member
i never had a raptor but i did have a kimber stainless ultra and it was a nightmare. since then I've been very weary of the 3' 1911. Especially the kimber variety, i had to deal with the kimber customer service and that too was a nightmare. they dont call back, pay for shipping or fix the gun. This is all my experince with kimber ultras and there customer service, others have had completly different experinces (like with any mass produced product) I will say that when the pistol did work it was everything I wanted it to be.....I too love the look and feel of the raptor, if i wanted it I wouldnt let this post hinder my purchase. always gets what you wants :D

Good luck!

FR Baseball

New member
On the flipside of that, I too have a Kimber Ultra Carry II, and mine has been 100% reliable. It even has the external extractor, and I still haven't had problems. Make sure you use good mags, I use Wilsons, and you should be fine.


New member
I have 2 compact 3” Kimber 1911 guns. An Ultra CDP II, and a ULE Custom Eclipse. Both these guns have well over 5 thousand rounds through them and both are 100% reliable. I stake my life as well as my family’s life with my CDP as it has been my every day carry gun for 3 years. I like the looks of the ultra raptor and am seriously considering purchasing one in the next couple of weeks.

Here is a pic of the Ultra Raptor.


New member
I also own the Ultra CDP 2 and as of 2000 or so rounds (ball and HP), it hasn't failed to fire or cycle properly yet. Very accurate for a 3" gun.


Officer's Match

New member
Very accurate for a 3" gun.

I'd say very accurate period. At least the ones I've shot.

I really do love the feel of Kimber's Ultra line of pistols. They are the only Kimbers that really appeal to me, although I'm quite sure that if I had the chance to try one of their 4" CDP Compacts I'd have to add that to the list as well. So if all you forumite's out there are considering chipping into a fund to buy me a new pistol, a CDP Compact would fit the bill just fine. And I'll get my own Crimson Trace grips for it, unless you'all insist on getting those too. :D