Kimber Ultra Carry Range Report

Mike in VA

New member
I just picked this puppy up on Wednesday and was able to get to the range with my brother in law (1st time shooter). I loaned him my SIG 226 (wanted to start him off right), and then I proceeded to have some fun with my new toy.

I must say it is an impressive little gun. I put an assortment of ammo thru her, about 200 rounds including S&B, Magtech, Fiocchi FMJs and Winchester SXT JHP. She ate everything without a hitch. I was also pleasantly surprised with the accuracy, as she shot about as well as my Kimber Compact, which is to say, quite accurate. My best group of the day was 2" at 10 yards from a Weaver stance. The compound recoil spring does the trick, too. The 'kick' was no worse than the Compact (which is 8 oz heavier with an inch more barrel), maybe even a little less. When I let my brother-in-law have a turn, he did fine, after the initial realization that it kicks a bit more than the 9mm SIG. All in all a nice day at the range - made a new shooter and had fun with a new gun! Can't beat that.
Best regards, M2

Doh!?!?! I fergot, this goes in "Reports from the Range", Moderator, please feel free to move this, I owe ya a beer. M2

[This message has been edited by Mike in VA (edited March 13, 2000).]