Kimber trigger gets heavy - what's going on?

Warm Bore

New member
Need help diagnosing a problem. The trigger on my Kimber is acting flaky. After about a half-dozen nice and crisp pulls the trigger becomes very heavy. It remains heavy for a few pulls. Then on pulling the trigger drops to half-cock. When I thumb back the hammer to full cock position it usually (but not always) becomes nice and crisp again but then repeats the process. What is going on???

Also, occasionally on the heavy trigger pulls it seems like the hammer drops when I release the trigger and not when the trigger is pulled. It's damn odd.

Thanks to anyone that can help.


Warm Bore

eger precision

New member
sounds like some uneven and out of whack contact points on the sear and or hammer hooks.

I would pop it back to Kimber and not fire it until they fix it.

Good Luck


New member
Before ya send her back, strip it down and give it a good cleaning. There could be a brass shaving or something binding up the works. While you are at it, inspect the sear and hammer to check to burrs or uneven contact indicated by shiny spots.

If that doesn't help, let her make the trip to Kimber.

If it is a used weapon and you aren't sure if Kimber will honor a warranty, another solution is to purchase a good hammer, sear and disconnector and just replace the works. The new set should have all the correct angles.

Good SHooting


New member
You can email and ask them at this address--WINSLOW@KIMBERAMERICA.COM (WINSLOW)--- I just emailed them about my rear site on my classic and they sent one to me . They said if I wanted to send them the slide that they would install the site and have it back to me within 4 days. Pretty good customer service. I will probably buy another one some day!I like the new Ultra II that just came out.

Warm Bore

New member

Warranty work is out. Kimber only offers a one year limited warranty and although I purchased it new, one year has long since passed.

I am going to be taking it to Kurt Wickmann in Athens, Ohio as soon as he emails me some directions to his shop. I'm going to have him remove the magazine safety on my BHP too.

I'd check it myself but I've never detail stripped again before. I can field strip it in just a few seconds but that's the extent of my gunsmithing skills.

Thanks for the suggestion,

Warm Bore


New member
Warm Bore, don't be so certain about the warranty period. I had my first Kimber for over a year and a half when I decided I didn't like the trigger. There was nothing wrong with it; I just thought it could be smoother and lighter. Kimber took it, did a trigger job and sent it back no charge. It might be worth a call.
