kimber tactical ultra II opinions plz

now i've gone and done it. i always said i would never buy a kimber because of the quality control issues and the swartz safety.

but now i have an incredible deal at my doorstep:

my buddy has a tactical ultra II with only 300 rounds through it for $750. the original owner paid $1,300 for it (my buddy got it in a trade). i think it's had some kimber custom shop work done to it.

i'd like to hear some experiences with this one (or other kimber 3 inchers) plz, thank you guys :)
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New member
There's nothing wrong with Kimber - If you like it, buy it. It sounds like a good deal to me.

You can go to Kimber's website and look at the MSRP, just for an idea of what they go for new.

For example, at my local shop, if the MSRP is $1,000.00, I know they normally sell it for around $800.00. I would just call around to shops in your area and see what they sell that model for new, and go from there. Good luck.

I've never owned an Ultra, or Pro - all of mine have been 5" models, and all 5 of them performed flawless.
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New member
Kimbers are excellent guns. The only thing I would worry about is the reliability of the ultra short models. In all brands of 1911s the Officer, Ultra size guns tend to be less reliable. Since the guy is a buddy, get him to let you shoot a 100 rounds or so and if no problems then go for it.


New member
I just recieved the Kimber Tactical Ultra II as my early Christmas gift. I don't have alot of experience with it since, I only fired a 150 rounds through it. Very accurate for it's size, and nice fit and finish. All in all I'm very please with mine so far. :D Also we paid well over $750 for ours too.