Kimber super match vs. Sig STX

fairview mick

New member
I would like to hear from any one who has either one or both of these guns. The kimbe Super Match, and the Sig Revolution STX. Input, both good and bad would be appreciated. Thanks


New member
The Sig GSR's ahve a reputation for problems, they are made of good parts if Sig could just get down the assembly of the guns.

Kimber frankly is not so great either and might make the cut in evaluating low end 1911's but I'd nver buy their high end guns... much better choices out there.

Frankly in that price range (we are talking 1k plus here right?) I would NEVER buy a sig / kimber / smith / springfield... look at makers such as Wilson, Brown, Baer, there are soem very real differances that you will be able to apreciate and you will likley be much happier with a gun from them in this price range than a pig with lipstick from the other makers.

fairview mick

New member
What a quote!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I never heard my Kimbers called a "Pig with lipstick"
That's priceless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll now label my safe as the "Kimber Sty"


What about Para 1911s? How good, or reliable, not to mention "well made", are these guns? I've been looking at the single stack PXT....


New member
The phrase pig with lipstick comes from my neighbor who is a broker, it's a term they use for folks who buy junk houses paint them and toss them on the market for a tidy profit without actually making any significant improvement in the house.

As to kimber, like I said if you are talking 700-800 dollar 1911's maybe they are worth a look, if you are looking at a gun Kimber lists at 2k MSRP, then there are better places to sink that 2k; custom shop label or not...