Kimber Sonora 25-06


New member
So what do any of you guys think of a Sonora 8400 25-06, any one have any reviews or OTB accuracy. It comes with a match grade barrel and trigger on it and looks pretty nice as well. I was thinking of checking into it as a long range varmit or deer rifle out to 500 yards or so. As of now im using my .243 and would I really gain anything with this over the .243, I want to stay under .27 cal for sure and Ive looked into a 6.5 and .260 rem as well as the .257.


New member
While I have no experience with the rifle itself, Kimber rifles are known for good workmanship.

I do like the .25-06 and I've been thinking of building one for a beanfield rifle. The Sonora has all the attributes I was going to build into my rifle and that $1358.00 MSRP is real close to what I figured I would spend for a custom build.


New member
I use a 25-06 as a beanfield rifle here in S.C. With 115 gr NBT and 117 grain Sierra's, it hits alot harder than the 6mm's. The Remington 25-06 Sendero is a very popular rifle for this application. Thats very similar to the Kimber rifle you're looking at. The 25-06 is a great medium game cartridge.
Beanfield Rifle par excellence... Granted its not a varmint rifle.. .257 Weatherby Magnum :D



New member
Do you have a link to that .25-06 Sendero on the Remington site? It looks like it's been discontinued.

However, I did find a Ruger Model 77 Mark II Target in .25-06, and the MSRP is $979.00. That looks like another fine example in that caliber. My son has an old Ruger 77 in that caliber and it's a fine rifle. Excellent accuracy with the 117 grain Gamekings.


New member
O shoot I didnt even catch that, the Rem 700 isnt made with a 25-06 barrel, you could go .264 though which sounds pretty cool as well


New member
Plenty of 25-06 Sendero's still in circulation. Savage makes the Long Range Hunter in 25-06 as well. One of the FN Model 70 sporters would be good as well. If I could find one of the old BDL Varmints in 25-06. I'd buy it in a heartbeat. If you get a 25-06 just make sure its got at least a 24" barrel.
The .264 is a nice round, but unless you roll your own there is not alot of choices in ammo. I had one, but didnt keep it long. A 7 Mag will do anything a 264 will do and then some. And you can find really good 7 mag ammo.


New member
Pabuckslayer I have heard only positive things about Kimber and the 26-06 is a very fine caliber. I think you'll be very with this combo GOOD CHOICE