Kimber Service Department PLus +++++

fairview mick

New member
I hope this is in the right section!!!. Three weeks ago I took delivery of a new Kimber Grand Raptor II. I fired it over the weekend and then called Dennis at Kimber Service dept. Told him I thought the trigger was not quite as crisp as I would like it. He told me to fire 500 rounds and call him back. That I did, and the trigger was still just a little "Creepy".
He sent a call tag, it was picked up on a Friday, Recieved by their shop on a Monday afternoon, worked on Tuesday, shipped back Wednesday and I recieved it today. The trigger is like a fine Rolex watch and I just couldn't believe the service. I've read so much flack on this site about Kimber that I thought I would put in a word for them. Thanks to Dennis, the service manager and Jimmy the technician who did the work. Impossible to get better than that!!!!!
Kimber service

I haven't browsed around the threads nearly as much you appear to have. Care to summarize what all you've come across? I had an ultra carry, then sold it to my brother since I moved to a "may issue" state and he's in Texas. I'm picking up the XD45 friday after considering a Kimber again. But I want to hear from personal experiences other than mag editers. Loved the one I had, but only had it for a short time.

Trapper L

New member
I also bought a Grand Raptor II that I sent back. With Winchester White Box 230 gr 45ACP, I could not keep it on a 16" square target at 25 yds. The Hornaday ammo didn't do any better. The trigger has three distinct let offs before going off- can you say creeeep. I got the gun back Tuesday. They "adjusted" the trigger. But it is the same as when it left. They didn't do anything about the accuracy other than to enclose a target and it was marked Winchester 230 SXT. It was about a 2 1/2" group. Two things there, surely Kimber doesn't expect for me to feed this thing ammo costing a dollar a pop. And at what yardage were they shooting? A group that size is considered acceptable for a TARGET grade gun? This is my first and most definitely my last Kimber. My Baby Eagles will shoot an inch or smaller at 25 yards for one heck of a lot less money. My brothers Daly will out shoot it offhand. If there is $1400.00 worth of value in the gun, its beyond me. As far as I'm concerned, it will be at the next gunshow looking for a different moron to own it.


New member
Embezzlement at Kimber...

Kimber recently lost $10.8 million dollars to an embezzling accountant.


I wonder if they can bounce back from this blow?

I don't know if their insurance will or is adequate enough to defray such a large loss.

A weird story indeed. Here in South Florida, you read about stuff like this on a monthly basis. (And that's just the one's that get caught!)

A greedy CEO who I can't name is now in jail for his looting, he cost myself and others jobs we held for years. It has taken me over 4 years to almost bounce back.

Oh well, what goes around... I will spend the "winter" here by the pool, he will be spending his with his new "boyfriend" Bubba! :D

Snuggle up, guys! :p


New member
I think that Kimber's customer's service is also awesome. I've received not but great service.

"16 inches" at 25 yards. Maybe you should start with 10-15 yards before you move out to 25 yards.

Trapper L

New member
poortrader, what part of my Baby Eagles shooting under an inch at 25 yds did you miss? I can also shoot my scoped XP100 under 1/2" at 100 yards- the shooter is not the problem.