Kimber Pro CDP


New member
I'm going Monday to get my favorite gun dealer to order me one. Hope he will let me give him $500 when he orders it and the rest when it gets here.....also hope it waits till next payday to get in :)
damn this baby furniture and doctor visits are killin my gun budget, but I figure my gun buying will be all over in a few monthes, so i better scoop up a few "dream peices" while I can. I'll let you know what I think in a few weeks. I intend to use mine for daily carry. Wanted something a little more dressy, even though will be hidden. a fancy carry gun is kinda like like having on a new pair of nice boxer one can see them, but it can sure make you feel good.


New member
I had one a couple of months ago & got rid of it...It felt great in my hands...shot pretty decent but no better then my Sigs..didnt have any jams or malfunctions in about 500rnds...The gun just wasnt worth all the felt kinda cheap & flimsy...I really didnt like using that paper clip tool to capture the guide rod spring...real pain in the butt...If I were to get a new mid-sized Kimber,I would get the new Pro-Carry HD...all stainless least it feels solid & somewhat worth the money...the only bad thing is that it also uses that small paper clip tool...oh well...Good luck...


New member
I used to have one also. It is a nice pistol, and I would probably still have it if CC was legal in Ohio. I agree with vyper005 that the paper clip tool is a pain, but overall, it was well made and reliable. I sold mine to finance another toy.


New member
I love mine, and it definately shoots better than I can. I've put about 250 rounds thru so far without a hiccup. This is the first 1911 I've bought, and I have no regrets. Paid $890 including S&H for it on NIB. And the paperclip tool isn't that hard to work with. ;)