Kimber Pro Carry Stainless vs.Stainless Ultra Carry


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I'd like to first say, this web site and forums are all an excellent means to learn more about a topic that I enjoy very much. Thank you for having it available.

I'm a longtime handgunner and shotgunner who has gone through quite a few types and models of handguns over the years. S.W. .38's, .357's, and .40's to name just a few. Currently own a Beretta .22 l.r. pistol and a NAA .22 mini-mag and l.r. convertible and Browning 325 Sporting Clays Grade II.

Usually, in the woods or on the road, I carry the .22 mini mag five shot single action, derringer type of revolver. Feel very safe with it and it fits in the palm of my hand. Very light for the woods as well. The shotgun is my home protection. The Beretta is a great gun to have around and fits anywhere I want to take it. Very accurate as well. The gun of choice of the Israeli Mossad and the Mafia, so I'm told.

I would like to purchase a Kimber .45 for both home protection, sometimes carry in the vehicle while traveling or while camping in areas that I would feel not as comfortable in as I would like. The firepower of the .45 is an asset that I would appreciate.

Both the Pro Carry and Ultra Carry fit me well though the Carry Pro fits slightly better in my hand. Granted, it's heavier and not as concealable, I am leaning toward this model.

Any comments and suggestions between the two models and if you feel as if I should purchase any options with the pistol, please feel free to share.

Thank you in advance.

1911A1 fan

New member
As you will guess from my handle I own several 1911s, and the Ultra Carry it one of them. as well as the full size Custom Classic. IMHO I think you would be better served with the ProCarry or better yet a full size Kimber. The Ultra is a fine little gun, but unless your goal is deep concealment then a full or commander size 1911 would serve you better. Besides when you feel the need for concealment, what better reason to get another gun?:cool:

deputy tom

New member
Climb14er,welcome to the forum.I also suggest the Pro Carry.I own an sts series I and believe it is the best of both worlds as far as general shootability and concealment.tom.


New member
I have a Pro Carry SLE, which is now called the HD, and it is a wonderful gun. It is a tad heavy but that isn't critical for your purposes. The gun had been extremely reliable and accurate right out of the box. Can't reccommend it highly enough.


New member
Since this is not for CCW purpose I agree with 1911A1 Fan and recommend a full size 1911. I too have several 1911 pistols including a Kimber Ultra Carry and the Custom Target and I enjoy shooting the Custom Target more than the Ultra Carry and it is much more versatile. You can get a Ultra Carry later.


New member
I would say the Pro Carry would be the best gun for your situation.

I have the Ultra and the full size Classic Kimbers. I had to get a Colt Commander just to fill the void.

Here is a side by side comparison for the Kimbers.


And the Commander (Pro Series Size)


New member
First off, can you actually hit what you're aimin' at with that NAA .22WMR? I've got one and I can't hit the broadside of a barn with it.

Since you're even considering the Ultra, and, as I believe the NAA .22WMR is useless for more than a conversation piece (keep in mind, I own one), I'd get the Ultra. I've got two Commanders ... a Colt and a Kimber and two Officers ... again, a Colt and a Kimber. The commanders are just plain better shooters as I can get a better grip on 'em (I have XXL hands) and they offer a better sight-radius. However, I still enjoy shooting my Officers and do quite well with them. For the size and shooter-accuracy, I don't think the Officers 1911 can be beat for CCW.

You should get the Ultra for one very simple reason. All of the reasons you gave for needing the gun are for Personal Protection, and, you don't already have an Ultra. Aside from practicing, which you should do frequently with a SD gun, this gun is just gonna sit. And, once you buy it, and a nice holster (check out Alessi), I believe you'll be carrying it a lot more than your NAA. Get the Ultra first, then, if you really want it, get the commander.

If you really think the commander would be better, then get a Glock 20. You'll have 10+1 10mm rounds loaded which you can load light for personal defense or with CorBon penetrators for the woods. It's not as comfortable as a 1911, but, still pretty nice and affords very good shooter-accuracy (I put a 3.5 lbs connector in mine). I don't think you see a lot of Browns, if any, in Colorado, but, even for a Black, 10mm will serve you much better than .45ACP. If you could find .45ACP+P hardcast, or even FMJ ammo, then, maybe, you'd be onto something, however, 10mm would still be better.

Personally, I'd kill for an Ultra CDP in 10mm.:D

Good luck.


New member
I agree with the previous poster and would ditch the .22 and get an Ultra. Mine is a very accurate and extremely easy-to-carry pistol. An Ultra would give you both a fine carry gun and home defense piece.


New member
Thanks all for the informative posts. As I mentioned, I have it 'narrowed' between the Pro Carry and the Ultra Carry. I will head again to the range and test both guns with relation to how they feel to the grip, acuracy, etc.

Re: the NAA .22 mag, I have only practiced with this gun from a 7-10 ft range. Fairly accurate and this is 'relative'IMHO, but this is not an everyday shooting piece. Simply very concealable and defensive only, as a 'last resort'.

This is the reason why I'm purchasing either of the Kimbers. I want a .45 defensive piece, that has very good accuracy and range and is decently concealable and lighter than weight than full size autos.

I will post what gun I'm purchasing and will continue to follow other threads on this very informative site.