Kimber custom II slide problem?


New member
Sorry if this has been covered already, but the search function is disabled, so I need to ask here.

Just yesterday, I shot my Kimber Custom Eclipse II, but before doing so, I followed the instructions, and tried to field strip the gun, to wipe down the parts from that coating they use.

I wasn't able to get the slide off the front of the gun at first, because it got hung up on that additional safety mechanism in the frame that was sticking up just a hair farther than it was supposed to.

Is this a known problem?
Is it something that will fix itself with break-in?
Is it something that I can repair or remedy myself?
Should I send the gun back to Kimber?

Any help would be appreciated!


New member
Haven't seen that one before, unless...

Were you by any chance removing the slide from the frame by holding the gun upside-down? I've noticed (as have others) that the Schwarz safety will sometimes drop into position when the gun is inverted.

- Aion


New member
Be careful not to press the grip safety while R/R the slide. It will make it harder to take off due to activating the safety.


New member
Thanks, guys. Just stripped it down for a cleaning and relube, and the slide came off without a hitch this time, but was reluctant to go back on. A few gentle knocks on the workbench with the heel of the frame helped.

Anyone with who has experienced something similar, please chime in, so I can get a sense if this is something that needs to go back to Kimber, or if it's just a thing that will wear in over time.