Kimber CE II Field Strip Reassembly Question


New member
I took new my CE II apart twice to clean it since I got it. I had a rough time getting the recoil spring plug back into the slide and the bushing down on top of it to get the gun back together. I finally managed it but I sweated a river and took a lot of time doing it.

How many of you are having this same problem? Any suggestions on an easier way to do it?

I asked a friend at the range and he showed me his H&K 40 and it seemed a lot easier, although he still couldn't get it right until he tried a few times.

I am sure all 1911 owners face this issue. Am curious to know if there is a better/easier way than jamming it down and wrangling the bushing into place. If I were an octopus, no sweat.

Any suggestions welcome. Thanks in advance.



New member
The Custom Elclipse is really no different that another other barrell bushing 1911, it takes some effort to reassemble. I just push down hard on the spring with my right thumb and then slide the barrel bushing over far enough to catch the side of the spring. Then with gun pointed away from my face, I use the wrench that came with it to hold the spring in place and turn the bushing to its locked position. 1911's aren't as easy as some other guns to take down, but they are worth it.