Kimber CDPII Abuse story, what now?


New member
When i really needed money i sold my beloved CDPII to a friend for a song, it was to be his first gun. The ground rules were that he could only shoot factory ammo (no cheap range reloads), and to only shoot 200 rounds, never more than 250 at a time, without a good cleaning... (which i would do the first few times for him so he would learn properly).

He comes to me complaining that its jamming on him alot... I inspect and the ramp is all pitted up and the thing is dirty like it was dipped in tar.

When was the last time you cleaned it? -just before shooting this last time
What ammo did you use?- i bought cheap stuff from the range (yes, reloads).
How many rounds? -about 600
When did the problems start? At about 250 rounds the bullet would not go all the way in, and the slide would not close
So how did you shoot another 350 after that? -i kinda hammered the slide closed

Now what. I polished the throat a bit,.. but i am thinking of sending her back to kimber for a check up, maybe a new bbl, and maybe buying her back. I cant let this gun get so treated... it broke my heart.


New member
Sure, it sucks that the gun isn't being taken care of, but you sold it too him. He can (mis)treat it however he pleases. If you're that upset by the condition of his gun, buy it back from him and recondition it.

chris in va

New member
He sold it to him cheap on the condition he take care of it. If he knew the guy was going to abuse the piece, I doubt it would have been sold.

How would you like it if you sold your prized 1969 Mustang to a friend and he tore it up... :eek:


New member
Um, Who's gun is this? I NEVER sell anything of real value (guitars, cars, guns,etc ) to a friend or relative for exactly this reason. I hate to hear he's not maintaining it, but it is his. You can help him, or offer to buy it back, or refer him to a local smith, but you don't have the right to lecture or be angry. A friend is worth many times more than ANY gun.
Good luck.