Kimber Aegis II 9mm


New member
An even grand minus the trade of a Browning .380 ($425) plus tax. But it's a good looker, a good shooter and, unlike me, it is slim and lightweight.


New member
thats not too bad for a custom shop kimber. it is definately gonna be an awesome carry piece if that is what you intend to do with it


New member
The hammer is bobbed much like the hammers on the Para Ordnance LDA pistols, however the Aegis II is a traditional single-action pistol.


New member
Can you post a pic of that hammer when it's cocked? I've heard of bobbed hammer SA 1911s, but I've never seen one cocked, either in a photo or in person.


New member
Nice, one question

How is the flash with carry ammo?
I have a Royal carry and have had just about the same experience as you, only I have had it for 5 years and have had 0 failures. The Royal is about mid way between the full sized and yours. In a darkened room the flash can be a little bright, just wondering how the 9 was. I still agree with Kimber that with a gun as tight as a Kimber, I wouldn’t carry it until it had there recommended rounds down the snout and another 250 failure free.


New member

I checked your blog and had to laugh at Kimber thinking it takes 500-700 rounds to break in their guns. I think I'll keep that little secret to myself, since my Ultra Carry II thought it was ready to go out of the box :D

Seriously, CONGRATULATIONS!!! Very nice!!!
