Kim Kardashian becomes target


New member
Seems the young lady has aroused the ire of the anti-gun forces bu tweeting a photo of her gun. (The firearm in question appears to my untrained eye to be one of the Freedom Arms or similar mini-revolvers tarted up with gold plate and diamonds.) Anyway Ms Kardashian's tweet has apparently really caused a stir - at least among people who keep up with the Kardashians.

Link here to one of the responses

I first learned about this listening to Glen Beck this morning and checked it out online later. Seems there are plenty ready to turn on anyone who does not hold to the "politically correct" line.

(edited to add) The "Sandy Hook Promise" mentioned in the blog actually seems to be pretty innocuous and generalized, certainly not a rousing call for massive new gun control measures. But that's another topic.

Mods - as always if this is judged an unacceptable topic please take appropriate action.

Dr Big Bird PhD

New member
She has a diamond encrusted gun? Why?

Edit: The comments are eating her alive. Why do people senselessly hate others because they are famous? Those are the same people that watch her show.

This stuff doesn't make sense to me. Well actually it does but for other reasons.


New member
Didn't Rob Pincus take the Kardashshian sisters shooting?

I seem to recall an article to that effect, with pictures of one the girls shooting an AR- of some type. Love to see the fire storm if that got out.

Found this

Apparently that is Khloe as opposed to Kim, who is catching all the media flak right now.

And after researching that, I feel like I need to go watch the Dirty Dozen or Delta Force.


New member
I'm sorry, but there's nothing that that clan could do or say that I could ever applaud or defend. I wish they would join the Brady crowd; that could only be a positive for us.
What's a Kim Kardashian?
A basket-weaving monster who lives on top of a mountain in rural Colorado. She has a piece of celery as an arm and Patrick Duffy as a leg.

On a more serious note, she was very outspoken in favor of gun control after Newtown. Now she's taking pictures of the gun she supposedly carries. There's a certain level of hypocrisy there.

Who wants to guess whether she's had any training or knows how to use it safely?


New member
Good lord, if I never hear or see anything Kardashian related again I'll be a happy person.

How much forced exposure to her do you have? If it weren't for seeing her on magazine covers at the grocery store checkout, I don't think I'd even know what she looks like, and I'm pretty sure I've never heard her speak or seen her interviewed. I certainly haven't watched her show, although I have heard about it.


New member
What are Kardashians and why would I want to keep up with them. I have enough other stuff to keep up with. Keep up with your own Kardashians!

Seriously, she has a show and is famous. Good for her, I guess.


NAA mini gun...

KK's slick bedazzled .22 revolver reminded me of the custom NAA .22 pocket gun former US Navy SEAL Richard NMI Marcinko got as a belt buckle gift from the "plank owners" of MOB-6/SEAL team VI. Marcinko, , had the belt buckle & put it in the SEAL/UDT Museum in south Florida.
The belt buckle .22 wheelgun was also a prop in his Rogue Warrior novel in the mid 1990s. ;)

As for Kim K, she should STFU! :mad:
I'm sick of these no-load celebs & rich morons who push double standards.
The media & the public(mostly idiots with no other life) feed off of this stupid nonsense.
