Killing Lincoln, Derringer Penetration


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I watched the Documentary Killing Lincoln last night. I was in awe of the penetration they proclaimed. The depth the ball from the derringer penetrated into Lincolns skull was impressive. I would have never thought it would be as effective with such a little powder charge. Although JWB was at no more than 5 feet. And if you've seen it, What was the rifle Booth had in the woods and in the Tobacco barn? Looks like some form of Spencer? I never could figure if he shot himself with the Spencer, or the Troops shot him. And I also do not think that at that time the troops would have been that nice trying to apprehend him. After all he just killed a VERY respected Leader. Good Documentary though. I think they tried to use all the facts and Literature available.


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Booth was armed with a Spencer carbine. Also he was shot in the neck by Sergeant Boston Corbett of the 16th New York cavalry. Corbett was arrested for going against orders not to shoot.


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The two-hour presentation was one of the best, most detailed things on the subject that I've seen, and I've seen several. It's well worth your time to watch.


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Thomas "Boston" Corbett only castrated himself to avoid the temptations of prostitutes.. And he used a pair of scissors to boot..

Corbett was offered money for the side arm he used to shoot Booth, but of course he could not sell government property and turned down several offers, But one night the side arm was stolen as he slept...


New member
"But one night the side arm was stolen as he slept..."

Funny how often that sort of thing happens...

Kind of like the "Honest, babe, I didn't buy this new highly-customized 1911! Somebody broke into my car and left it..." :D


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That was one of the little errors in the show, Lincoln was actually shot from about six inches. The way I understand it, Booth waited until the laughter from a particularly funny line, pushed open the door stepped in and fired immediately. He did not stand in the back of the box waiting as depicted on the show.
I'm building one of these Derringers from a Traditions kit right now. No rush, just a little sanding and fitting of parts when I feel like it. Should be ready when the weather changes. Bought a couple boxes of balls for it. Looking forward to shooting it.
I have always questioned why Booth used a single shot weapon for his venture. I find it strange with the prevalence of six shot guns at the time. Certainly it worked, but why risk having only one round?
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New member
Last night, on Lords of War, the tv show, they demonstrated one of these same Deringers.
(Note the correct spelling - Nag, nag).
It easily put a round through, and fractured, a large water melon.
It's not a wimpy weapon.
Haven't shot mine yet as I'm building it, any idea what load the tv show used? I've seen some videos where the gun appears to be anemic compared to others of the time. Loadings were not specified.
And, yes, there is only one r in the name. Tell that to the spell checker in my phone. :p Not worth the time to bother changing it back. The instructions with the kit even spell it rr. :rolleyes:


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With that short barrel, I would imagine if you put too much good ole black, you won't have much usable barrel left?? I was thinking about 10-15 grains maybe.


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And I also do not think that at that time the troops would have been that nice trying to apprehend him. After all he just killed a VERY respected Leader.
Many of those troops had fought in battles in a war that cost 600,000 American lives. Just weeks before, 2000 Union soldiers a day were dying around Petersburg.

I don't anyone of them would have considered Booth's life any more valuable than that of a rattlesnake.

Too bad they did not bring Booth back alive. His trial and hanging would have done the country good. For decades there were the same sort of theories, conspiracies and nuts that we have had after Lee Harvey Oswald killed Kennedy.


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oh, I don't know, I think you can still get a healthy charge in em. I have a colonial which ain't much longer, and I can stuff thatun pretty full!


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Got mine as a kit when I was 16. Put way too much powder in it. Thought it was a piece of junk. Well, it kind of is, but 20 grains fffg works ok in mine.


New member
I think twenty grains is what they used on the tv show.
Lots of flame out of that short barel - oops, make that barrel with two Rs. :p