Killing a bear in self-defense (pics!)


New member
I was on forums when I spotted this since-closed thread: :eek:

From the begiining thread: "This guy works for the forest service in Alaska. He was out deer hunting. A large world record Griz charged him from about 50 yards away. The guy unloaded a 7mm Mag Semi-auto into the bear and it dropped a few feet from him. The thing was still alive so he reloaded and capped it in the head. It was over one thousand six hundred pounds, 12'6" high at the shoulder."

This could go under "The Hunt", but I thought it was better here -there was alot of discussion of the ethics of self-defense and killing animals, etc. Very interesting!

And one post I just loved:
"Sufferer, you know what man,hopefully it won't happen, but if you're ever taking a stroll in a forest, and some bigass mean looking bear comes towards you, with the intention of having a little snack, try picking up some flowers from the side of the road and giving them to him. Then remind the bear that you love him, and give him a little hug. I'm sure he'll notice how sensitive and polite you're being, and he'll probably leave you be..."


New member
Gawd, Runt, that thing was HUGE!:eek:

I liked the reply where it ask if the pictures were taken before or after he changed his shorts! :D



New member
I was distracted by this comment...

Sorry Mojo but my first thought was....what a pity the bear wasn't a bit faster. How the hell can anyone glory over the slaughter of a beautiful creature like that. Blood sports suck, people who kill wild animals suck. One day, when there are no Grizzlies left on the planet, I hope that dude will feel really proud of himself.

What kind of pinko tree hugging board is this???:confused:

Marko Kloos

New member
I loved the post where Mr. Back to Nature laments how the hunter intruded into the bear's territory, and therefore should have been the one killed.

Last time I checked, we were "natural" inhabitants of this planet as well. Those tree huggershave the delightful attitude that humans are destructive parasites who should always come last in the "rights" chain.


Moderator Emeritus
Blood sports suck, people who kill wild animals suck. One day, when there are no Grizzlies left on the planet, I hope that dude will feel really proud of himself.

I got news for this clown: I love wildlife as much as the next person, but if it came down to a decision between the Last Grizzly On Earth and the Only Me On Earth, I know which call I'd make every single time.

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
Whoa... that is the biggest bear I have ever seen! MASSIVE!

Good job on the bagging that man-killer! That thread over there gave me a migraine. Some Idjits!

Ceol Mhor

New member
Good grief, that's a huge bear. :eek:

A thought - "You don't need an AK-47 to hunt!" ... "No, considering the size of this monster, I'd prefer a FAL, thank you"

Chris - Hmm. Possibly, but I doubt it. The Vegan Commie (tm) would have also complained that the hunter killed an innocent tree to make into his rifle stock in a grisly display of inhuman cruelty.


New member
i'll reserve my judgements, since i chose not to read the link of the supposed "real story", but either way, that is one damn monster! apparently most of the posters over there object to hunting, whether its for food or sport. personally, if someone has the time and money to go out and 'thrill-kill' for a trophy like that 1600 lb bear, i'm all for it. because i know that if I had that time and money, i'd do the same thing.

i would like to see some confirmation on what gun was used, they said it was a 7mm, and iirc, an article i recently read said that the 7.62x25 was proven to be effective on even the larger bears.


New member
I love it when greenie-weinies act like hunters are murderers. I don't see them going to McDonald's and telling all the hamburger-eaters that they're immoral, thoughtless killers. Animals raised in Tyson chicken farms have a muchmuchmuch more miserable existence than any wild bear. But apparently that's just acceptable to them :confused:


Moderator Emeritus
i would like to see some confirmation on what gun was used, they said it was a 7mm, and iirc, an article i recently read said that the 7.62x25 was proven to be effective on even the larger bears.

From the mention of "7mm Magnum" and "semi-automatic", I'm assuming a BAR.


New member
Why is it that so many back-to-nature types get so terribly upset when we go back to nature as the omnivores we are? If they're going to object to the "unfair advantage" of firearms, how can they manage their gardens with Roto-Tillers and Miracle-Gro?


New member
I have to go change my shorts just from looking at the pix. That is one huge honkin' bear! ! ! ! ! ! !

The [ahem] person complaining about hunting and the bear being killed is from the UK..............No further comment from me.

And I need to get my chair cleaned, too :eek: :eek: :eek:


New member
I've actually followed that thread a bit and according to another post there, it was not a self-defense bear killing. It was an Air Force service man who shot the bear and he waited for it to come to him before he shot it. Is that the true story? Who knows.


New member
reading posts from the other board..

imho this is what proves it is actually a self defence killing....

who in their right mind would try to get that bear with 7mm!?!
if i was hunting deer with a 7mm and saw a bear that size, i would not even think of trying to go for it, but if it charged me, id have to use what i have on hand...and he did to..emptying it into the thing.

my life or the awsome griz...i'll save my life thanks. and if i had a choice, i wouldnt even try to kill it. thats what deer are for.


New member
Bout the only thing that is not in the food chain is large rocks.

Sometimes there is an arguement over who is at the top of the chain. This time it wasn't the bear.

Thanks Runt.



New member
halibut often have rocks in their stomachs when they are gutted. so technically, rocks are part of the food chain. not like i'm going to go hunt me some rocks and have them mounted though. halibut on the other hand, have a happy place in the freezer.