Kids 'n' guns show last night

Evan Thomas

New member
Did anyone else see this, and were you as annoyed by it as I was?

It showed, basically, two families, one very large one and one just a dad and his kid. The emphasis of the show (which was British) seemed to be more on "kids with machine guns" than on anything most people here would regard as responsibly teaching kids to shoot.

I kinda liked the little girl with the AR (at least that was a semi, as far as I could tell), and her dad obviously did have a notion about safety, but I couldn't help thinking she'd have more fun with something she could actually control... like one of those Cricket .22's.

And the dad with the six-year old boy was sort of horrifying -- NO WAY did that kid have the attention span or the focus to be learning to shoot.

There wasn't any overtly anti-gun commentary in the narration, but it sure didn't show gun owners, as parents, in any favorable light.
