Kids at Gun Shows.


New member
I just spent the day running the door of our club's local gun show. Taking money, checking and putting tie raps on guns.

I've never noticed before (because I didn't pay attention) how many people bring their young kids with them to gun shows.

I was impress, I don't recall ever seeing that many kids brought to any event like this where the kids were as well behaved and well mannered as the kids I've seen today. They seemed to be enjoying the event as much as their parents. None of the running around or other misbehaver you'd expect for so many small kids in what is considered an adult event.

Congrats to all the kids and their parents. You give me hope in the future of our young Americans.


New member
I've noticed this as well. Kids at gun shows seem to be much more disciplined in general. Much like the friendliness you find between adults at a gun range vs. say, a grocery store.


New member
I take my kids if they're willing and they don't have some pending appointment at a friend's house or in front of the TV or computer.:rolleyes: One of my youngest's prize possessions is a replica Colt .45 SAA movie gun that we snagged late on a Sunday fo $10, best deal at the show.

ohen cepel

New member
I've taken my 5yr old to a show and he liked it a lot.

I was at shows from about that age until I left for the Army at 18. I have good memories of hanging out at the shows.

Will take the younger son when he's ready to go.

You are right though, it's a nice usually polite crowd which makes it nice all the way around.


New member
While I don't have kids of my own, I thoroughly enjoy taking my younger cousin, who is now 8, to gun's shows. It's fun to show him various pieces of history in the form of weapons and buy him the occassional piece of WWII memrobilia.


New member
Took my 5 yr old grandson to his first gun show last week, while his attention span was limited to about 90 min he had a great time, and said he would like to go again.


New member
My father took my niece to guns shows (I was always overseas, somewhere or other) and he had one policy, "point at it before touching, and ask the man behind the counter if you can touch". He always checked the action after the counter man said it was OK. She grew up to be a great Rifle's Woman, not bad with a handgun either.


New member
Still working through my five Grandsons and they are all informed on the rules. I have no doubt that this will carry on in later years. I strongly dislike rude kids at gun shows. Feel that some adults need a refresher course, as well. .. ;)

I know all ouir local promoters and the folks tending the doors. This might be a great opertunity for you to list just what you expect in terms of kid's conduct. Some dealers actually remember my Grandkids and even inquire about them ..... :)

Be Safe !!!


New member
I have been wanting to take my young boys for a while. They would love it. Every time I hear or read about an AD I rethink taking them. Then I rethink going myself.


New member
I love to take my Grandson's to Gun Show's. Here is my 11 year old with the Model 720 300 Savage I bought for him at the show.
And to top that one of the vendors asked him if it was his 1st show and since it was he gave him a nice little pocket knife. Then one of the older ones was goggle eying a bayonet and I couldn't no way haggle with that nice old feller.
And I do love to haggle with those boy's! :)
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New member
I took my kid to the gunshow last weekend. She loves pistol shooting, and she's a firm believer in 2nd Amendment rights. We spent a couple of hours browsing the tables, and we enjoyed good company and conversation. We picked up a few pistols to see what she liked, and I refreshed her on the differences between DA/SA and DAO handguns.

Alison is a beautiful, blonde, 31 year old lady with a BA in biology and an MBA. She decided to buy a Kahr CW40. I'm so proud of that girl.

Kids at gunshows are a good thing. :D


New member
on just a tad diffrent note, last show I took my niece and 3 long guns I was selling she could tell lugging them around was killing my back so she offered to carry one, she had it sold in about ten minutes so I handed her another..... she sold them all for me in less than an hour, I bought her dinner where ever she wanted to eat!

well she is a cute 17 y/o!


New member

I take my kids all the time. They like it. The children are the future and we need to instill our values in them regardless of what the anti-gunners think. :)


New member
I took my daughter to a gun show when she was 7 and she was so bored after about 15 minutes, I gave up and left early (about 30 minutes later.) The next show I bought her a tiny Swiss Army knife and managed to get through a couple hours.

If the kid isn't bored, I'd say bring them. I think my grandkids would be bored since they get bored at gun club meetings but the love shooting.
