Kid's 2-inch plastic toy gun seized by LAX Security.

George Hill

Staff Alumnus,,2-2002360334,00.html/

AIRPORT security staff confiscated a TWO-INCH plastic gun from a toy soldier, it was revealed yesterday.

British tourist Judy Powell, 55, bought a GI Joe doll in America as a gift for her seven-year-old grandson George.

Security officials at Los Angeles airport found the toy — similar to Action Man — when they searched Judy’s bags before she boarded a flight to London.

Then they took the figure out of its box and confiscated its tiny replica Armalite rifle.

Judy revealed: “They examined the toy as if it was going to shoot them.

“Then they asked me if there were toy grenades as well. I thought they were joking, but they weren’t smiling — they were deadly serious.”

Stunned ... toy gun seized from Judy

Judy, from Walton-on-the-Hill, Surrey, added: “I couldn’t believe it.

“I can understand them wanting to ban weapons or things that look like weapons, but surely common sense has to take over at some point.

“I was really angry at first because of the absurdity of the situation, but then I saw the funny side and realised it was simple lunacy.

“The whole world is going mad if we resort to such stupid measures.”

Two inches ... the toy gun seized by security

Judy, who bought Beanie Babies for her other grandchildren, joked: “At least THEY weren’t subjected to body searches.”

George’s mum Becky, 29, said the lad was “really upset” when he realised his GI Joe had been disarmed.

She said: “Even though he’s seven years old George knew the toy was missing an important part.

“I explained what had happened, but he just kept shaking his head saying it was silly and ‘Don’t those people understand the gun was a toy? and couldn’t shoot’.”

Airport security has been tightened since the terrorist attacks of September 11, and airlines can now ban anything resembling a weapon.

Security chiefs at Los Angeles airport said: “We have instructions to confiscate anything that looks like a weapon or a replica.

“If GI Joe was carrying a replica then it had to be taken from him.”

Congratulations LAX!!! Who knows how many lives you saved and children traumatized. The toy had not even been opened yet. LAX Security opened it and took the toy gun. Nice. "Are there any Grenades with it?" JUDAS PRIEST!!!

George Hill

Staff Alumnus


Ben Swenson

New member
<diety> bless those hard working, dedicated security folk. These heroes show us what going above and beyond the call of duty is all about.


New member
Shudda sent da kid to Guantanamo an THEN figger out what to do wit him.

Coors, if I was a security guard I guess I wud rather harass KIDS than swarthy lookin characters wit box cutters.



New member
[sarcasm on] I feel SO much safer flying now that I know these hard working geniuses are protecting us. [sarcasm off]

Damn, whatever happened to "horse sense" ?


New member
we should patent an 'action figure' modeled after airport security screeners. they could be sold in 4-packs, and only have one brain to share between themselves. see how long it takes before they start confiscating THOSE from kiddies.

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
Action Figures I want:
Electic Cart MALL NINJA
FUD w/ biting action Crockigator ;)
The LAWDOG Action Pack: Lawdog with squad car, Armadillion and Evil Santa side-kick.
And lasty - the Suicide King Al Gore action figure.

BTW, I am COBRA COMMANDER! Just don't tell Joe! He has that giant Aircraft Carrier and I'm still waiting for mine from China.


New member
I find it sadly humorous because the statists are finally getting a small dose of their own medicinie. Of course, the irony will be lost on them as it requires a modicum of intelligence to really appreciate it.


I was under the impression it was confiscated because it might upset a blissninny on the plane. In that case, nobody is incorrectly self-medicating, but rather this is more proof that the evil radicals who want their children to play with toy figures with toy guns are destroying the country. This kid tried to bring the toy gun onto a plane where it would have corrupted countless other young minds. Think of the children!


New member
Wasn't LAX the same place where the man shot up the Isreali airline ticket counter a month or so ago? I guess everybody must still be on edge out there.

Brian Gibbons

New member
What is a 'replica' ?

Perhaps someone could give the screeners a working definition of a replica. Under our laws, a replica firearm would be something that "looks exactly, (or almost exactly), like a firearm, but is not a firearm". I suppose one could justify the seizure by claiming that the two inch M16 "looks exactly" like a firearm to another GI Joe..


New member
Absurdity at it's peak....Lord help us.

A doll caused a security alert at an American airport because its two-inch plastic gun was considered a dangerous weapon.
Judy Powell, 55, from Walton on the Hill, Surrey, bought the GI Joe toy in Las Vegas and packed it in her hand luggage.

But security staff at Los Angeles International Airport refused to let Mrs Powell on board the plane with the replica rifle.

Mrs Powell had to put the gift - minus the rifle - in her suitcase so it could go in the aircraft's hold.

If GI Joe was carrying a replica then it had to be taken from him

Los Angeles International Airport

Mrs Powell said: "I was simply stunned when I realised they were serious.

"Security examined the toy as if it was going to shoot them and looked at the rifle.

"I was really angry to start with because of the absurdity of the situation.

"But then I saw the funny side of it and thought this was simple lunacy."

A spokesman for Los Angeles International Airport said: "We have instructions to confiscate anything that looks like a weapon or a replica.

"If GI Joe was carrying a replica then it had to be taken from him."


New member
If we have imbeciles at the front line of all this then we are in deep S**t! How stupid will it get? One has to wonder.