Kerry's Military Record?


New member
I just received this from a friend who has many contacts in the current active military. I can not personally speak to it's authenticity but it is a good read with specific dates. Draw your own conclusions.

Military Record

Unlike McCain, Bush, and Gore,,,,Kerry has adamantly refused to authorize
the release of his military records. Most think it's because of his phony
battle medals. I think the real reason is below. He was not granted an
Honorable Discharge until March 2001, almost 30 years after his ostensible
service term had ended!
This is very much out of the ordinary, and highly suspect.

There are 5 classes of Discharge: Honorable, General, Other Than Honorable,
Bad Conduct, and Dishonorable. My guess is that he was Discharged in the
'70s, but not Honorably. He appealed this sometime while Clinton was doing
trouser-tricks in the Oval Office. Political pressure was applied, and the
Honorable Discharge was then granted.

His file is probably rife with reports of this, submissions and hearings on
the appeal, reports of his "giving aid and comfort" to the enemy, along with
protests that were filed with respect to his alleged valor under fire.

This will blow up in his face before October 15th.

On 18 Feb. 1966 John Kerry signed a 6 year enlistment contract with
the Navy (plus a 6-month extension during wartime).

On 18 Feb. 1966 John Kerry also signed an Officer Candidate contract
for 6 years -- 5 years of ACTIVE duty & ACTIVE Naval Reserves, and 1 year of
inactive standby reserves (See items #4 & $5).

Because John Kerry was discharged from TOTAL ACTIVE DUTY of only 3
years and 18 days on 3 Jan. 1970, he was then required to attend 48 drills
per year, and not more than 17 days active duty for training. Kerry was
also subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Additionally, Kerry,
as a commissioned officer, was prohibited from making adverse statements
against his chain of command or statements against his country, especially
during time of war. It is also interesting to note that Kerry did not
obtain an honorable discharge until Mar. 12, 2001 even though his service
obligation should have ended July 1, 1972.

Lt. John Kerry's letter of 21 Nov. 1969 asking for an early release from
active US Navy duty falsely states "My current regular period of obligated
service would be completed in December of this year."

On Jan. 3, 1970 Lt. John Kerry was transferred to the Naval Reserve
Manpower Center in Bainridge, Maryland.

Where are Kerry's Performance Records for 2 years of obligated Ready
Reserve, the 48 drills per year required and his 17 days of active duty per
year training while Kerry was in the Ready Reserves? Have these records
been released?

Has anyone ever talked to Kerry's Commanding Officer at the Naval Reserve
Center where Kerry drilled?

On 1 July 1972 Lt. John Kerry was transferred to Standby Reserve -

On 16 February 1978 Lt. John Kerry was discharged from US Naval

Below are some of the crimes Lt. Kerry USNR committed as a Ready
Reservist, while he was acting as a leader of Vietnam Veterans Against the

1. Lt. Kerry attended many rallies where the Vietcong flag was displayed
while our flag was desecrated, defiled, and mocked, thereby giving aid and
comfort to the enemy.
2. Lt. Kerry was involved in a meeting that voted on assassinating members
of the US Senate.
3. Lt. Kerry lied under oath against fellow soldiers before the US Senate
about crimes committed in Vietnam.
4. Lt. Kerry professed to being a war criminal on national television, and
condemned the military and the USA.
5. Lt. Kerry met with NVA and Vietcong communist leaders in Paris, in
direct violation of the UCMJ and the U.S. Constitution.

Lt. Kerry by his own words & actions violated the UCMJ and the U.S. Code
while serving as a Navy officer. Lt. Kerry stands in violation of Article
3, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution. Lt. Kerry's 1970 meeting with NVA
Communists in Paris is in direct violation of the UCMJ's Article 104 part
904, and U.S. Code 18 U.S.C. 953. That meeting, and Kerry's subsequent
support of the communists while leading mass protests against our military
in the year that followed, also place him in direct violation of our
Constitution's Article 3, Section 3, which defines treason as "giving aid
and comfort" to the enemy in time of warfare.

The Constitution's Fourteenth Amendment, Section 3, states, "No person
shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President
and Vice-President ... having previously taken an oath . to support the
Constitution of the United States, [who has] engaged in insurrection or
rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof."


New member
prohibited from making adverse statements against his chain of command or statements against his country, especially during time of war.

I think the lawyers would tell you this doesn't apply as we were not officially at war in Viet Nam.

But I would LOVE to see this all come out and be verified! :D


New member
I was told, when I was transferred to inactive ready reserves, that my conduct during that period could adversely effect the character of my service.

But, it would be nice to hear it from the horse's mouth. Not that Kerry looks just like a horse or anything.


New member
I double checked with a Marine Captain buddy of mine (USNA) that said what I had always thought . The term of service of an officer is indefinite . You are ALWAYS reserve . So to get an Honorable Discharge does not sound right . Is there "middle ground"?


New member
Ah! Yes, I had forgotten that. So, he's Reserve now? GREAT! We can settle all this controversy about his Viet Nam service right now!

Send him to Iraq and he can show us how to win Silver Stars and Purple Hearts.



New member
Not to mention that Saddams army was The "Republican" Guard . He can show his Dem buddies how he "handles" Republicans .

4 Wheel Drive

New member
I believe that as a reserve officer-which Kerry had to be as he did not graduate from a military academy, he is held in Indefinate status until he resigns his commission.

Regular officers are those who either attend a service academy, or have been in long enough and have a good enough record to become RO's.

Did Kerry resign his commission when he returned back to the states, and would that absolve his obligation to the reserves if he did?
Maybe (gulp!) he was given preferential treatment! Oh! The Horror! The same thing Bush has been accused of. :rolleyes:

I guess he could have told them he would pick up his reserve duty as commander in chief.....

Seriously-why have the Swift boat vets not picked up on this, if true?? I know there are some who think the Swift boat vets are a bunch of liars, and have said so on other threads.

They, the accusers, while never have worn the uniform themselves, should be mindful of the fact those men were there with Kerry, and while their stories may not match exactly, I suggest you interview 5 people who just witnessed a traffic accident and see if their stories jibe in every detail.

Even the authors of the New Testament differ in minor details, although their essential message is the same.

This whole thing of attacking Bush is just exploding in Kerry's face. It seems that every time his clan points a charge at Bush, another truth comes out against Kerry's character.


New member
There is far too much misinformation and half-truth regarding Kerry’s commissioning, discharge, and so forth. Let me help by explaining – with precise accuracy – the statutes and regulations that applied in the late 1960s. I am very familiar with these, since I enlisted in the Navy and was commissioned through Navy OCS (Newport, RI) a couple years after Kerry did so. Also, to ensure honesty in reporting, I loathe Kerry; previous posts here on TFL (and, also, on THR and S’ville) explain my rationale, although I will not deal with that matter in this post.

1) In 1966, before graduating from Yale College of Yale University, Kerry enlisted in the Navy (actually the USNR) to attend OCS. He reported for active duty in August 1966 and was commissioned an Ensign (USNR) in December of that year, after completing the standard 18-week training program (further, he was discharged from enlisted status immediately before commissioning).
2) The normal, post-OCS, active duty commissioned service commitment was three years, although this could vary based on additional training such as flight school and/or the need of the service.
3) Kerry served on active duty (as a USNR officer) for that three-year period; he was released from active duty in January 1970, but he was not eligible for discharge, since he had not completed his full service commitment.
4) ALL OFFICERS – REGULAR AND RESERVE, ACTIVE OR INACTIVE DUTY – SERVE AT THE PLEASURE OF THE PRESIDENT, UNTIL THEY RESIGN THEIR COMMISSION and THAT RESIGNATION IS ACCEPTED (by the Secretary of the Navy acting for the President). This means that Kerry was technically a commissioned officer in the United States Naval Service until 2001.

SIGNIFICANTLY, IT SHOULD BE NOTED THAT MOST OFFICERS ARE NEVER DISCHARGED. RATHER, THEY ARE RELEASED FROM ACTIVE DUTY UNDER HONORABLE CONDITIONS. For example, when I retired from the Navy after twenty years active service, I was released from active duty; however, I am still a Naval officer, subject to the UCMJ, listed in the Register of Retired Regular Officers, and receiving monthly “retired” pay (although I have not worn a uniform in 15+ years).

I hope this helps clarify the germane regulations that applied to Kerry.

Lawyer Daggit

New member

While not an American, I actively followed the last elections and found reading the last clarificatory thread interersting.

I don't like Kerry's politics- a bit to much of a shade of pink for my taste. The man did however put his life on the line for his country in combat and deserves honourable recognition for this- even if one would not vote for him.