Kerry, the great American Sportsman!

Jason Demond

New member
The third one is my favorite! :D


  • Kerry1.jpg
    27.7 KB · Views: 144
  • Kerry2.jpg
    27.9 KB · Views: 131
  • Kerry3.jpg
    17.3 KB · Views: 151


New member
I wonder if those smiling dolts behind him, know or care, stuff like this will be used to try and sell Kerry as pro-2nd Amendment?


New member
I like how in the first one, he has his finger on the trigger, but is looking at the camera, rather than where his muzzle is pointed.


New member
I don't know if those beat my pic. :confused:


Is it just me, or is his finger on the trigger on the third one, too?


New member
How about a photo op with his innercity voters..

He could stick a crack needle in his arm....


all yaneed is love and a .45


New member

That is so true. Honestly. And maybe he should take a picture with that shotgun and a baby for all his Pro-Choice voters.

The Ironic thing is that Kerry thinks he's a respected 2Aer like us, when really, he's the LAUGHING stock of the Gun Community. :D

Dave R

New member
When he uses those photos to try to prove that he's not a gun-grabber, I guess he doesn't realize that shooters will notice finder on the trigger and no eye protection in the first pic, and realize he's not much of a shooter.


New member
One question. How much of the gun community consists of good sportsmen? I'm sure there are gun owners on the verge of being idiots that will not really notice these things.

In paintball you have the good, who follow the rules, try to get others to follow the rules, etc. You have the bad, which are not as hardcore, can be a bit sloppy with safety, and just aren't concerned about big things, just having fun. And then there's the ugly, the ones who go shoot up houses and cars for fun.

Putting gun owners into these groups, the criminals are obviously the ugly, who don't care, and never will, the bad would be those nice people who got thier merit badge, but aren't really all there in the head, and then the good, who, obviously, didn't need these insane photos to know not to vote for Kerry.

How many people actually see the safety violations, and add the rest of the man's actions in Congress up to get the picture?