Kerry on AWB: Liar or Moron?


New member
From a Reuters article on Yahoo:

"So, tomorrow for the first time in 10 years when a killer walks into a gun shop, when a terrorist goes to a gun show somewhere in America, when they want to purchase an AK-47 or some other military assault weapon, they're going to hear one word: 'Sure,"' Kerry told supporters in Washington.

1. Kerry, a battle-hardened combat veteran in Vietnam, surely knew what an AK-47 is.

2. Kerry, a Senator who voted for the ban, surely knew that the ban had nothing to do with AK-47s.

3. What's wrong with this picture :confused:


New member
From the left coast country of California

Kerry is a girli-mon. He's still trying to kiss Diane Feinstein's rear position. Had he kept his trap shut on the AW lapse, he might have picked up a few votes. But its hard to kiss when your mouth is closed.

Geoff Timm

New member
Please don't associate Senator Kerry (D-North Korea) with Diplomats and Democrat voters.

As disgusting as they are, it's not nice to abuse them by association.

Who has a very low opinion of the left. :cool:

Mal H

What TheeBadOne said.

When we heard Kerry saying yesterday that machine guns like AK-47's and Uzi's will now be freely available to the general public, well, he lost the final litle bitty bit of credibility he had with us. He specifically used the term "machine guns", so he is either completely uninformed (the moron part) or lying his tush off to sway and scare the sheeple, or both

My wife and I then had to spend a few minutes wiping the spit off of the TV. I hope we don't have to go a minimum of 4 years doing that again. It was bad enough during the Clinton era. I was afraid the circuit boards would short out eventually.


New member
Not to worry. kerry changes his mind often enough. Even he does not know where he stands on any given issue.

He is for it until he is against it and back again :D



New member
Kerry on AWB: Liar or Moron?

I see you flunked out of Logic 101. Otherwise you'd have recognized this as a classic example of a 'false dichotomy'.

I understand that few things are ever either/or with Kerry. But I think that this is the rare case where he actually knows enough about this subject to understand it. :eek: Usually his positions are full of half-truths and moronic ramblings. This one is a 100% bald-faced lie.