Kerry Conceited and Conceded, BUSH WINS!!!!!

Any .45

New member
Yes, we won. Go here :D, So sorry to those demonrat supporters, better luck next time. They had a war hero that quit the war, now they have a President Elect that, well quit again. HAHA :eek:


"If you opponent is but three inches from you, how do you expect to succeed? Will you just curl up into a ball and die?"

Pai Mei to Beatrix Kiddo

Any .45

New member
No, he new he lost and wasn't going to suffer the humiliation of going to court to get a recount and losing it anyway. :D


New member
His concession speech was the best thing that I have heard come from his mouth in the past four months. :D

Let's hope that the democrats crawl back under their respective rocks for four more years.

To all you third party backers and those who decided not to with it.