Kentucky Expo Center


New member
I will be traveling to Louisville this summer, staying downtown, and attending an event at the Kentucky Expo Center, which is apparently also known as the Kentucky Fair and Exposition Center. At I read the following:

"Section 3. No person is licensed to enter or remain in any building or stadium owned or operated by the Kentucky State Fair Board while in possession of a firearm or other deadly weapon (as defined in KRS 500.080(4)), regardless of whether such person would be licensed to enter such building if he did not possess such firearm, provided that this section shall not apply to a peace officer who is permitted by law to carry such weapon concealed or who is carrying such a weapon in the line of duty."

So, are firearms prohibited in the Kentucky Expo Center? I've been there before and don't remember seeing any signs.

Thanks in advance.


New member
That is part of a regulation adopted by the Kentucky State Fair Board. 303 Kentucky Administrative Regulations 1:041 Section 3.

I cannot say whether it is enforceable or how it may be enforced. I can tell you that the Center is host to a huge gun show a couple of times a year and a lot of folks are walking around with guns.