Kennesaw, Ga.


New member
I have a vaguely anti-gun friend who lives in Kennesaw. Can anyone tell me what penalties she might be subject to as a homeowner without a firearm? Actually, she lives in an apartment. I haven't read the exact verbiage of the ordinance(not ordnance, heheheh) so I don't know. Any help?


New member

thumper, I'm Not sure but i think there is some kind of conscientious objector clause or somethingin there. The ordinance wasn't meant to actually punish those who chose NOT to exercise their 2A, it just confirms the right of those who DO wish to exercise their 2A. Remember it was done in protest of Morton Groves BS....


New member

Tell your friend she/he fortunate to live in a town where neighbors will protect her/his ass even if she/he doesn't.

Also tell her/him that unlike her/his anti gun friends folks in kennesaw are willing to let them NOT exercise a right even if they ARE willing to persecute those of us who are willing to.


New member
Well, my relatives down there are good people, and most definitely don't mean her any ill will. Maybe if she behaves, someone may take pity on her and take her out and teach her how to shoot. It's fun!

Danger Dave

New member
IIRC, the maximum penalty is a $25 fine, payable once. No "fines until you're in compliance" or anything.

But don't worry - they have no intention of checking up on her, according to the mayor.

Congratulate her on living in one of the safest towns in Metro Atlanta with one of the best school systems in Georgia. And some of the best, safest shopping areas, too. I wanted to live there, but houses were a bit expensive, and I ain't living in no lousy apartment!