Keltec PF-9 and Jams


New member
I had a totally reliable (over 100 rds Federal 115 gr. HP ammo) Keltec PF-9. That I traded off to a friend in a complex trade. Loved the pistol and will buy another. Point is I never broke the pistol down and cleaned it. When I purchased it, I inspected the bore. Used Rem oil with a dab of synthetic gun grease in the rail grooves. Pistol ran flawless for 100 rounds. At times I re-lubed as I carried holstered in my front pocket all the time. I never diss-assembled for cleaning.

He takes the pistol tears it down immediately and cleans it. Re- lubes it with oil. Now he has a jam-o-matic. Can't run a mag through it without jamming according to him. Is this the answer to the jams people have with Keltecs? Some people have flawless performance. Some have jam-o-matics. I read a lot of post where people say the first thing they did was purchase the pistol. Then 'take it apart and clean it before shooting". Is there something that can be reassembled wrong that incurs jams? I don't think he limp wristed it. I loved the pistol, he hated it and sold it right away.

I also need to say that if the pistol needed cleaning when I had it, I would have cleaned it. That PF-9 had no indication that 100 rounds had been fired through it. No powder residue, no fouling, pretty much stayed clean as a whistle. I've owned nothing that stayed that clean. Either the 115 grain Federal HP's are exceedingly clean. Or most of the powder burns outside of the pistol. I was amazed at how clean the little thing ran. If I had kept the pistol I wouldn't have taken it apart to clean until it looked dirty. I suspect that would have been a few hundred rounds. Perhaps with the Keltecs thats a good idea? That would be pretty much what Les Baer recommends on Baers.
Just a thought.


New member
There's no way to tell for sure, but the PF9 has no secrets to proper disassembly/assembly. I care for mine as needed and have no issues at all.

I do run it pretty dry (moly lube).

Walt Sherrill

New member
I think the problem with some Kel-Tecs is the shooter -- and, it's not really the shooter's fault. I think some folks are not physiologically compatible with Kel-Tec products (and other small guns.)

I'd be interested to see what happens if you, using the gun you sold to your buddy, shot it again. I'd NOT be surprised if it worked right for you.

An acquaintance of mine had similar problems with a P3AT. He called his P3AT a piece of trash, and sold it. He's used to quality 1911s.

I later had him try mine, His problem was accuracy -- he couldn't hit the broad side of a barn at 25 feet. I took the gun and shot a 3" group rapidly, at the same distance, with him standing there. He just shook his head and went back to his 1911s. The gun would work for me, but not for him. He is at least as good as me with other guns -- so it's not basic skills.


New member
My son-in-law showed up with a PF-9. After he shot several trouble free mags of ammo through it he handed it to me. I had jam after jam with it. I can only attribute it to my habit of limp-wristing.


New member
I think your friend did what he should have done when you get a new gun, take it down, inspect what you expect, and clean it. To bad he sold it, now we will never know what the problem was.


New member
It's a long shot, but you might ask what ammo he was using. I had a PF9 before I discovered Kahrs, and mine would shoot everything reliability except WWB. It would FTFeed about every other round of that ammo.


New member

He tried several grain ammo by several manufactures. All stove piped and he traded it off. Just odd, I loved the pistol and it ran like a champ. He hated it and it wouldn't run at all. The only difference was he was shooting it, and he had disassembled it and cleaned it. Maybe he did limp wrist it but he shoots other pistols well. I'll have to try another as I thought it a great pistol.


New member
I'd bet it was limp-wristing that caused it. I had one and it was totally reliable, but when friends shot it, it had failures.


New member
I have had pretty decent luck with mine. All of my problems can be traced back to:
-Poor Technique (i.e. limp wristing, thumb rubbing on slide or thumb hitting mag release)

-Dirty pistol- I ran 50 rounds of range 125gr CNL ammo through it and did not clean it. Next week tried to run another 50 through it, FTE's every mag. Once cleaned, back to 100% reliability.

-Bad mag...need I say more.

I have to say...I LOVE carrying my PF-9 (even with a few bumps along the road) since it is so flat and light!