Keltec P3AT reliability?


New member
how reliable are these guns really? I love the idea of having a really thin pocket gun for summer carry when mt 442 wont work(my usual summer carry gun) but I wont keep a weapon I cant count on and I cant count on one that has issues. also is the 9mm version even close to as small. just looking for the most slim pocket gun I can carry when im in shorts and t-shirt or no shirt. (always like to have a weapon on me:D) Also if you like another super thin reliable auto Im all ears.


New member
I went from a pocket snub to the Keltec this past August. Best move I made. The P3at is accurate, just as easy to shoot and carries much easier. It has been 100% reliable with FMJ but spotty with JHP. This to me is not a problem as I would rather have the penetration with the .380 round.
I wouldn't call it a range gun nor would I run 1000 rounds thru it. Shoot it just enough to know it works and to be familiar with it. It is what it is, a basic survival tool. ;)


New member
Had two and sold one to buy a Taurus 605 (had to have a snubbie). I now have one in my pocket.

Trouble free for me! I like them for warm weather, deep concealment, or a BUG.


New member
I had FTF problems with mine initially, but sent it back to Kel-Tec and they fixed it. It's been perfectly reliable ever since.

The beautiful thing about the P-3AT is it disappears in your pocket and you almost forget you're carrying it. I'd much rather have my 1911, which I carry most of the time, but when I can't, the Kel-Tec is in my pocket. I think everyone should have one!


New member
I have had both a Kel-Tec P3AT and a P32 for several years. They are both very reliable with no FTF or FTE. These are not range guns, they are personal self-defense weapons that can be easily concealed and always with you. I carry mine in a DeSantis pocket holster and it simply disappears in my front pocket. I always have my P3AT with me.


New member
This is my response to another post about the Keltecs

The first generations were problem pegged, and over all a piece of crap, if Hornett got a good one that is great he is one of the few. The 2nd gen supposedly improved many of the problems but many still require the fluff n buff to be made accurate. The 3rd gen are still hit and miss some require the fluff n buff others don't. I chose the NAA Guardian over the Keltec. I refuse to give money to a company who knowingly ships a product that they know is not 100% preferring to deal with returns instead of making it right the first time, especially when these things are carried for personal defense. There are 10's of thousands of these that folks have purchased and stuck in a glovebox or purse and the owners think they are protected. Only to find when they need the weapon the gun doesn't function. All gun companies produce lemons but Keltec has one of the highest return rates in the industry, if not the highest.
Rant Off.
For those of you who have reliable Keltecs I am happy for you and hope you have put them through plenty of range time before you decide to carry them.


Here is a pic of the Guardians



If I had the money I'd get the Guardians. Just beautiful.

However, they are also different beasts. They weight different, and are a bit wider. The Keltec is what it is. Much cheaper than the Guardians also.

I have one p3at and love it dearly. Never had a ftf or fte I also had to send mine back a few times due to a known issue, but really this was more because of me being obsessive and wanting the factory to double tripple check.


New member
Way back when i shot a buddys gen 1 p3at and it wouldnt make it thro a mag of ammo reliably , nor would it stay on a pie plate at 15 yards ( most likely due to the weird sights they had not the quality of the pistol ) . I eventually traded into a gen 2 just because that is all the guy had for " boot " on a trade . It has never malfunctioned in about 400 rounds , and i can reliably shoot a rattlesnake with it at about 7 to 10 yards . I dont carry it a lot because i also have a Kahr PM9 that offers a lot more horespower for little more size, but do consider the little p3at a reliable handgun to tuck away when you just cant conceal anything any larger .


New member
Two P3AT's here. Both bought last year and have been 100% reliable with FMJ or JHP loads. I did polish the feed ramps first and there have been no problems.


New member
P3AT is OK

I bought one of the first generation ones quite sometime ago.

I had to polish the feed ramp and get KelTec to send me a second generation extractor to get it functioning 100%.

It worked fine with several different brands of JHP, but I ended up using good quality FMJ.

If I were shooting at someones nose from 2 yds away I don't think FMJ would be a handicap.


New member
I had 2 and they were both crappy. I've considered trying another one because I like the concept but with my luck I'd get another Jammamatic.:)


New member
I've yet to find one of them that will make it through a CPL class without issues or our "Drawing & Shooting From Concealment Class" (about 400 fast rounds) without failing. The shop I work with refuses to sell them. That would make two reputable stores in the Metro area.

I'd never recommend them. Others may not have run theirs as hard as we've had them run here or maybe the ones with no problems have just been lucky. I dunno. If you can afford something better spend your money.


New member
I've yet to find one of them that will make it through a CPL class without issues or our "Drawing & Shooting From Concealment Class" (about 400 fast rounds) without failing.

They're just not designed to shoot 400 rounds at one time. Some maybe can. Most will start having problems when the lube starts wearing off and powder residue builds up. Very small, very lightweight, mostly polymer pistols like these just can't handle something like that.

They were designed for last ditch self-defense, not plinking. I only shoot 50 or so rounds at a time and don't have any problems. Once I shot about 100+ at a time and a few problems started developing. It didn't concern me as I knew what the problem was. After a cleaning and lube it was ready to go again.

Some owners don't keep them clean and well-lubed, they need to be to function properly. Limpwristing is an issue for some folks too.


New member
I have two P3AT's...
Mine have never shown a problem, just pull the trigger, and they fire..
First trip to the range I fired 200 rounds. no issues with a brand new gun, got better as the gun was broken in...I later acquired a second P3AT, and it also has been great...

Go to the gun shows, and ranges, most of these guys, have a P3AT in their pocket...It's light, small and goes bang!!!


New member
I think that a P3AT would be more likely to make it through 400 fast rounds than I would. Shooting 400 rounds in one session with a mouse gun is not like with a full size gun and I do not think my wrist could take it.


New member
Bought one, never again. Please don't trust your life to a Kel-Tec! I finally got it to where it is pretty reliable, but was shocked at how much work it was. Most folks would have tossed it, but I'm stubborn.


New member
All I ever hear abou these guns from the guys who like them is "they are not made for plinking and long range sessions" or "they are not made to be shot just for self defence" all I can say is if I cant even trust it to hold up at the range and I cant shoot it, I dont want it.


New member
I purchased one new 2 years ago. Fired about 100 rounds and only had the occasional FTF. After a couple of hundred rounds over several shoot sessions the gun started FTF 2 or 3 times a magazine. Upon detailed stripping and inspection I found no broken or excessively worn parts. I tried a few more boxes of ammo and nothing changed, it was completely unreliable. Given the extremely cheap quality of components I decided it wasn't worth bothering to even mess with (as I would never trust my life to it at that point - having seen the guts up close).

A buddy wanted to buy it knowing full well it didn't work. He said he would send it in and see if after that he could polish a few things and get it working. 3 months later he traded it for something else himself.