kel-tek P11 9mm


New member
Looking for some feedback on the kel-Tek P-11 9mm. Just got my CWP last week and looking for a new carry piece. I like the way this feels and the rpice is right.

Any experiences positive or negative would be appreciated.



New member
Probably the only gun more cussed and discussed on the interent than a Hi-Point is a Kel-Tec. I can only relate my experiece with mine.

It works.

I've put about 600 or so rounds through mine. It failed to eject a couple of times, early on, but since then it just goes bang, bang, bang. It's not a target gun at all, but it's accurate enough for what it's made for. The long DAO trigger pull and the short sight radius work against it, but it's better than "paper plate" accurate at 7 yards which is good enough for me. Others shoot them much better than I do. I have used several brands of FMJ ammo, and a couple of different brands of HP's, and they all work.

The trigger gets better with use, as most triggers do. I also added a trigger shoe, and a "Whites Trigger Stop" to mine which help a lot. You can find instructions on how to make the Whites Trigger Stop on which is a good source of information about these guns. Adding a "pinky extension" to the magazine also helps with control. Being a small, light pistol, they have a bit of "kick" to them, about like a snubbie 38 revolver.

I understand that Kel-Tec has great customer service, but I can't say for sure. I've never had to send mine back for anything. I did call them to order the trigger shoe, magazine extension, and an extra magazine and they sent me what I asked for.

I like mine. I carry it every day.


New member
I fired 100 rounds thru one, not bad IMO.It never failed. But, I ended up getting the Taurus Millenium Pro. Trigger is better on the Taurus as is the fit and finish. Both come with Mecgar mags which seem to do the job. I'd look at the Taurus just to compare. Price points are close. As always, get what fits your hand, and budget. Then again, I'm no expert, and I can prove it.

good luck.

Dave R

New member
I carried one for several years, and liked it. Recently "upgraded" to a Taurus PT-145 in .45acp. But there was nothing wrong with the P-11.

The trigger takes some getting used to, but it will shoot well once you adapt to the trigger.

FYI I once tried shooting mine at 100 yards, at a discarded real estate sign at a junky "informal shooting range" . I hit it 8 out of 10 on the first attempt, which really surprised me.


New member
I've heard mostly good thing about the P-11. Some of the small Kel-Tecs have had some problems but P-11's seem to be pretty good right out of the box. Might be a little tight and will take 200 rounds or so to break in but that's true for any new gun. I looked at the P-11 and it didn't fit me right so I ended up buying my Taurus PT-111 Millennium Pro. I know alot of Kel-Tec owners are sending their guns to Fuselier Plating (which is actually a gunsmith) for bead blasting and plating and fluff-n-buff/polishing if needed.

Te Anau

New member
Kel-Tecs are great and a good value.I choose to carry a P32 most of the time because of size and weight but the P11 is also pretty dang small for a 9x19.
Ya pays yer money and ya takes yer chances. :rolleyes:

Lots of folks swear by them. Lots of folks have had problems. Major problems. I'm one of them. My P-11 physically broke three times with less than 1,000 rds of various types of 9mm ammo through it. All three occurred while firing, and all were shot-stoppers. Finally, Kel-Tec replaced it with an entirely new gun with my old SN#, but I just couldn't trust it not to break on me two rounds into a three-round gunfight. By this time, I had obtained a Taurus PT-145 Millennium Pro, which has proven completely reliable and durable. Now have more rounds through it than I ever got through the Kel-Tec. Much more accurate (or, more accurately (no pun intended)) I can shoot it much more accurately than I ever could the Kel-Tec with it's atrocious trigger, and carries the same number of .45s as the P-11 did 9mms.

I would strongly consider the Taurus PT-111 Millennium Pro if you're stuck on the compact 9mm idea. A little heavier, but much better trigger and (IMHO) more durable.


New member
Never a single hiccup with my P-11. It is now a mature design and very few problems are reported on the Kel-Tec forum with these pistols.

Javelin Man

New member
Kel-tec pistols

I own a P11 and a P32. Both guns stretch the limit of design capabilities. Okay, the P3AT stretches it even more. They all need proper break in time and lubed and cleaned. The tolerances on these guns are very tight and somethings may hamper their reliability such as improper grip and ammo selection.

That said, practice your grip and holding it while you're trying several different kinds of ammo to find out what feeds and what doesn't. Any excuse for more range time is a good excuse. Check ktog for more information. You'll hear some people gripe, but realize they sell 10's of thousands of guns and only a few people are voicing their displeasure.

The P11 has a good feel for the grip and can hold 12+1 with a LE magazine. I put a strip of tennis racket cushion grip on the backstrap for a little more cushion. Made a nice difference. If a lot of range time is anticipated, consider getting a trigger shoe. It makes the trigger seem a lot lighter. You'll notice a looong trigger pull and it's heavy at first. You'll get used to it. I'm small in stature and have arthritis in my wrists but can still pull the trigger many times and handle, with a two-hand grip, the recoil.

Good luck and enjoy the gun. You won't be sorry for getting it.

Jeff Loveless

New member
I bought my p11 a few years ago after witnessing my buddy shoot his for several years prior to that. He never had a bit of trouble with his and frankly, if I hadn't been able to shoot his and see him shoot it over time I would never have even considered one. It is light and easy to stow away.

Initially I shot mine quite a bit just to make sure it would function with all my assorted ammo. It did. And has. I don't shoot it as much now, and I should, but I trust it will do what it does. I rarely use it as a primary gun, but it makes a nice backup and it can go places I might not otherwise carry a larger pistol. I carry Pro Load 124 gr +p gold dots in it. I've never done anything but shoot it and clean it.

I have a little uncle mike's pocket holster that works very well.

I wouldn't go squirrel hunting with it but at spitting distance you could sure light someone up with it.


New member
My P-11 has been 100% reliable except for some old stock NORMA hollow points I got at a gun show cheap. Too much exposed lead at the tip and a little crusty. I don't buy that any more. Win. silvertip hollowpoints shot well with a little kick to them. I had a Taurus .40 and it was ok but no better than the Kel-Tec in my opinion. I also have a P32 and it's been perfect. Kel-Tecs were new technology in the manufacture of light pistols and may have had some bugs in the begining but I have had no problems with mine and carry one every day. Also fun.


They are not particularly drop safe. On top of not having an firing pin block (which is NOT necessary), the inertial firing pin is undersprung. These guns will not pass the California drop test and will drop fire from just a few feet in independant tests.

There! A refreshing bit of negativity in an otherwise positive thread. :)


New member
Just a bit curious,

Who did the independent drop test for this pistol and is there proof that such a test was ever conducted for the P11?

The reason I ask is:

1. The hammer is a thin flat peice of metal with not much mass.

2. The hammer is recessed so far into the slide that there is no way anything would be able to hit it if it was dropped and it landed on the rear of the pistol.

Mabe if it landed on its muzzle with extreme force, I mean EXTREME FORCE!, It may discharge.

I have seen a few post in regards to the drop test failure, but in all post the writer does not provide a link to evidence of there ever been a drop test done.

I mean no disrespect and only inquire about the evidence so that If I pass on this info, I will know it is true.


New member
I have had a P11 for over 2 years and several thousand rounds of 147gr. Hydrashoks have slid through the barrel and none have caused problems.

I recommend the gun.


New member
Who did the independent drop test for this pistol and is there proof that such a test was ever conducted for the P11?

Not exactly a professional test but serviceable:

I've heard of 2 drop fires with P-11s after a number of years of following Kel-Tec forums. Both hit muzzle down onto concrete. The P-3AT and P-32s have a different trigger design with a hammer block and those are extremely safe.


New member
I accidentally dropped mine on blacktop a few months ago. No repercussions but a small scuff on the slide.
