Kel-Tek magazine release problem

arizona hunter

New member
I have a P3-AT, and love it's very light weight, slim profile and 100% reliability. BUT, the button for the mag release sticks out and when I have it in my pocket, and bump something at work (I work alone most of the time) it releases the magazine. I sent it back to KT, and they installed a heavier spring but it still happens too often.

Some people from the KTOG sight have mentioned using a file to lower the buttons profile, but I'm wondering if there is any way to build something around the button or to actually recess the buton?


New member
The advice you got is the way to go. Remove the release from the pistol though so you can round the edges and contour it without damaging the rest of the gun. Very easy fix.


New member
I havent had this problem with my Kel-tec p32, but I do remove some of the mag release button on all of my smaller handguns. I did this to my Colt Defender, Mustang Pocketlite, Pony and Officers.

It makes the mag change a little slower I guess, but It keeps me from dropping the mag by accident during firing. Might not be for everyone.

arizona hunter

New member
It is carried in my pocket and the pistol is inside the black syntheitc pouch they provided.

Last night I put small strips of duct tape around the button as someone had suggested. It does not look pretty, but if it works thats fine. I'll see if it happens this weekend while carrying it.


New member
The solution is to trade in on a Seecamp, that has the mag release where it should be on a pocket gun, the heel. No offense, but that's been a recognised design flaw in the NAA Guardian and KelTecs for a while now.

Bill DeShivs

New member
It's not a design flaw if you carry the pistol in your pocket without a holster. This is perfectly safe, as long as you NEVER put anything else in that pocket.


New member
I have filed the mag release down to the point that finger pressure alone won't release the mag. You need to use your fingernail. My reasoning is that if I need to reload this gun in a fight, I've already lost. I don't carry spare magazines for my P32s. Of course, my P32s are usually BUGs. On the rare occasions that I can't carry something bigger than my P32, then I carry a SECOND P32 as back-up.

michael t

New member
First get a holster if you ever need you will never get out the way your have now. Uncle mikes #1 about 12 bucks and many others. Then cut the mag release if your still having trouble after a holster. Duct tape:barf: Do it right.


New member

If having to file the button down and/or use duct tape isn't a design flaw, then what is...?:confused:

Bill DeShivs

New member
"If having to file the button down and/or use duct tape isn't a design flaw, then what is...?"
The myth that you must use a pocket holster is the "design flaw."
I have carried a P32 in my pocket since they were introduced and have never had the mag pop loose.
The American -style mag release is convenient, but a heel-type might actually suit this gun better.


New member
I'm another P-3AT user who has dropped a mag accidently. Left it in the driver's seat of my car actually. I was carrying SOB in an Uncle Mike's fabric holster. I switched to a Don Hume leather holster and have not dropped a mag since then (plus moved it to roughly the 5 o'clock area). But my main reason for responding is just a reminder. If you're going to just drop that Kel-Tec in a pocket, please do use a holster of some type, or make darn sure there's nothing else in the pocket. My P-3AT trigger is surprisingly light and I don't think it would take a lot of effort for something lodged in the trigger guard (like a set of keys) to cause a loud noise and a hole in your pants (or other parts). And yes, I love to just drop the KT in a coat pocket. Not fun to shoot, but a blast to carry.


arizona hunter

New member
I tried the Uncle Mikes holster, and every time I went to draw the pistol the holster cam out too.

For the time being, the duct tape has worked 100%. I carried several times this weekend without incident.

Now I'm going to check the internet for other holters...I may still file down the button though.


New member
Galco leather holster. Expensive, but works great.

Never said the mag release was a design flaw. I just wanted to be 1000% sure that no accidental movement could release the magazine.


New member
No problem with Bersa T. 380....

After reading this thread I thought I had better check my Bersa Thunder 380 to see if the mag release could be a problem. I often throw it in my coat pocket when making a quick trip to the store or bank or something. No problem since the mag release is nestled up under the slide stop/release.
I wonder if this is a problem with the PF9? I am considering buying one as a BUG.:confused:

arizona hunter

New member
Well here is the update on the "duct tape " fix. Today is March 5, and so far 100% satisfaction.:) Not even one accidental magazine release. I guess I should still file the button down for a more permanent fix.