Kel Tec's position on +P ammo


New member
Thought everyone might like to see Kel Tec's position on using +P ammo in their guns"

USE OF +P and +P+ AMMO:

To more directly answer the question, extensive or continuous use of +P ammunition in the pistol will, possibly dramatically, decrease the life expectancy of the gun. Extensive use in this very lightly built firearm will result in increased frame battering, wear and tear on other parts, and eventual failure of some of those parts (such as possibly the take down pin breaking early, etc). But the worst effect will be the increase in frame battering, eventually to the point that the gun may not work any longer, at least not reliably. Far less likely, but I suppose possible, is that extensive firing of +P ammo could even damage/distort the chamber, reducing reliability, or in an extreme case, could cause metal fatigue (it is after all a very light weight barrel) leading to failure of the barrel lug, cracks in the chamber area, etc. There will always be those who try to stretch the envelope of course, but it is always best to stick to the factory recommendation, especially when it comes to safety and reliability issues.



New member
I use the high-powered stuff for CC only and practice with the cheap stuff.

-Happy Holidays


New member
Yea, that's about what I figured.

Personally, I decided to stick to standard pressure ammo for my PF-9, even though it is supposed to be Ok to use +P occasionally. I've got standard pressure Speer 115 gr Gold Dots in it now.