kel-tec sub 2000?


New member
Where have they all gone? The the only ones I can find are on gunbroker but are between $400-$500!
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New member
I got one a couple of years ago from there in .40 caliber Beretta magazine. Ugliest gun I own but it folds and fits in a laptop case. I like the way it shoots too. Looks like they have gone up in price. Keep watching the web auction sites. That is your best bet.


New member
I just sold my 9mm Glock version. I posted it on a local gun site and it was gone within minutes.

I just did the same thing with my .40 glock version. I hadn't shot the rifle in over a year so I figured I should sell it and finance an Aimpoint PRO;)


New member
It is unfortunate you are having a hard time finding one. I have one in G17 and it is both fun to shoot and very useful to own.

I keep the sub-2k in my BOB along with most of my magazines. My Glock 17 with flashlight attached is my nighttime HD pistol, but is also the first gun I will try to grab if I do have to bug out. Thanks to the two guns using the same magazines and me having three 33rnd magazines and six 17rnd magazines I have 201 rounds already loaded and ready to go. No need to carry more for a short-term bugout.


New member
Odd. I started looking for one in 9mm. Can't seem to find them either. They've come out with a new .223 so maybe they put their production facilities toward that.

Dave R

New member
After looking for one for several months, and being told they were "backordered to the factory" I found one on a routine visit to a gun store I don't usually frequent. They had got it in that morning.

Either an example of dumb luck, or an example of keeping my eyes open for several months. Or both.

guy sajer

New member
Either an example of dumb luck, or an example of keeping my eyes open for several months. Or both.
That sums it up pretty well . I'm the buyer for a medium size gun shop . Regardless of the variation , calber , magazine , Sub2k's are always on backorder . It's never a matter of simply calling a distributor and ordering 2 or 3 ............ hundred . They don't have any sitting on the shelf waiting .