Kel-Tec Sub-2000 reviews ?


New member
Per the schematics on their website, it looks like the trigger guard moves up/down to unlock/lock the barrel into position? If so, are you happy with how securely the gun is locked in the firing position? Is it pretty solid?

For reference:

Also, how solid overall does the gun feel?



New member
I fondled one at the last gun show. It is very light, but solid. The sights are a little exposed, but easy to use. The ejection port is a little close to my face (I'm a lefty), but depending on how it ejects, it shouldn't be a problem. If I can score one that uses Beretta mags, I might get it. Couldn't try the trigger though, it was banded up. LAter.

Tropical Z

New member
I saw and held my first one a couple days ago.Besides the very short(uncomfortably short)stock,it seemed well made although i didn't like the peephole sights.