Kel Tec RFB Bullpup, .308 Win


New member
I have to say I am intrigued by the gun, it looks short and quite portable.... and the forward ejection system (or whatever its called) is definitely interesting. However I can't get the idea out of my head that bad things could happen and prevent all the shells from exiting out the front (if a number of failures were to happen at once).

Nonetheless I'm definitely interested. I really like my cheap P32.


The forward ejection tube looks like it's larger in diameter than the actual cases but not large enough to let two jam side by side, and that they just sort of bounce around in there till some spill out the front or the charging handle is pulled. I don't think there'd be a problem with that.

Also, forward ejection means that if someone uses it in a vehicle or close quarters indoors, they're not pelting their friends with hot .308 empties. :)


New member
A store owner in Frankfort, KY said he got to handle a demo and it was a really nice piece. I think it looks great.

The only problem with the new Kel-tec is demand. Heck they can't seem to build enough P3AT's or PF-9's right now so I am not sure why they keep trying to put out new items when they can't keep up with current demand.:confused:

I would be willing to bet trying to get one will be like trying to get a Sig 556.


New member
its the same ejection as the f2000/fs2000, right? i have seen some photos online of some pretty major issues with all the inclosed guts of that rifle. i would imagine that the same could happen with this kel tec


New member
I got one!

:D I just purchased my RFB 2 weeks ago last Monday. $1600 & some change out the door. I have to say, I was more than impressed by this weapon. It’s a little heavier than an M4 carbine (by about a pound or 2) but it’s a little shorter. It is extremely well balanced, loaded or unloaded. The fit & finish is as good if not better than any new weapon I ever handled in 20 yrs of Army service. It had no sights included, so I bought a set of MagPul pop-up iron sights (I’ll probably add an EOTech later). It included 1 20 rd FN mag, sling & attachments, & the instruction manual.
I had to try it out that day, so I loaded up 20 rds of LC 76 ball (had a little trouble after rd 15, but a mag slap & the rest went in easy) & headed out to a safe area (empty stock pond on my place). I didn’t take any tools with me, as I was most interested in handling & recoil at this point. Set up target at about 25 yards. Did not pre-lube the weapon, fired it as it came out of the box. First 5 rounds out, no problem, then came failure to feed. Charged, fired 1 round, failure to feed. Pulled magazine, the rounds were about 1/4″ below feedlip & rolling loose. Follower was hung up. Did a mag slap, reinserted mag, charged & fired all remaining rounds, no problem (I’ll take the mag apart later to see what was the hold-up).
Recoil was a bit more than an M4, but a little less than a 30-30. Recoiled mostly straight back, only climbed about 1/2″ at muzzle. Re-aquiring was easy. Can’t comment on accuracy yet, range was short & I didn’t boresite the sites. I was on for deflection, but firing way too high. Impacts seemed consistant. Spent rounds ended up in a fairly neat little pile in front of my firing point. I only managed to loose 2, somewhere in the deep cracks in the dried up pond floor.
Disassembly can be done with just a complete 7.62 rd, as can the gas adjustment (using rim).
I haven’t been as impressed with KelTec rifles, until now. The RFB is a much beefier tank compared to the other long guns they make.
From what I’ve seen so far, I would not hesitate to take this rifle into battle.
I’ll update as I work with it more, if anyone’s interested.

Tucker 1371

New member
I would be willing to bet trying to get one will be like trying to get a Sig 556.

And that's hard? I saw about 10 of them at a gun show about a month ago in Dalton, GA. All going for about $1600-2000.


New member
if it is made by KelTec, then the quality will be suspect.

The pricing I have seen online, IF the gun ever makes it to market, is way high.


New member

"Which barrel lenth was it: 40" or 26"? '

I bought the 18" barrel.

"if it is made by KelTec, then the quality will be suspect."

Read my post closer. I've never really been impressed with Kel-tec's rifles until now! This is a very well-built rifle. I think Kel-tec may be trying to enter the military market. I'd much rather have a rifle like this than an M16 (& yes, I've carried one).


New member
I personally have had nothing but troubles with all three Kel-tecs I have had, I sold all three and I am not going to purchase any others.

Sub2000 - The receiver area actually cracked on the first magazine of factory ammo. Replaced and then the hinge for folding area totally malfunctioned. Again replaced, then I sold it in where someone else can deal with it. Over $80 S&H and two months down w/o the firearm.

SU16C - No matter what magazines (even the best San Chez) I used, it would never release correctly, again, fixed at Keltec, but still had the same problem over and over. Sold on GB and got rid of the problem. Over $110 in S&H fees over all back and forth. They would not cover the S&H. 1 1/2 months down w/o a working firearm.

P11- Constant FTF, no matter what ammo was used and after two returns to Keltec where they said it was fine as they did on all repairs on all the firearms I sent back for repairs. Over $80 S&H 3 months total w/o a working firearm. Being sold on GB as we speak with 17 bids last time I checked.

Thus ends my ever buying anything Kel again for any reason what so ever.

To replace the Kels I bought a Ruger Mini-14, has worked out of the box zero problems 3000 rounds mixed ammo, I replaced the P11 with a HK P7-13 USED, zero problems and about 500 rounds by me and 300 rounds by former owner.. My lesson has been learned.

Gringo aka Steve

B. Lahey

New member
First 5 rounds out, no problem, then came failure to feed. Charged, fired 1 round, failure to feed. Pulled magazine, the rounds were about 1/4″ below feedlip & rolling loose. Follower was hung up.

I've never really been impressed with Kel-tec's rifles until now!

Maybe your definition of "impressed" is different than mine?

If that happened to me, I would not be impressed. I would be sending the rifle back to the factory (on their dollar) with a nasty note about the unreliable $1600 junker they sold me.


New member
Reread his post. His mag (surplus FAL mags right?) stopped up.
Not a firearm problem.

Last I read these rifles used FAL mags and that would be surplus only. So you would need to make sure your mags are in good shape before blaming the firearm.

B. Lahey

New member
Yep, could well be a mag problem. But the thing is, he has fired it once, had multiple malfunctions, and then went on to rave about what a great rifle it is. A first rangetrip with any sort of malfunction would leave me neutral at best, but he was "impressed".
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New member
Pulled the mag apart last week. Didn't see anything obvious, no rust, dirt or deformities. Wiped it out & put a light coat of Rem-Oil in it. Loaded & fed with no problems. I guess FN mags don't like being dry.

I believe the sight radius available with the rail is too short for MagPull flip-up iron sights. I have not been able to get a consistant sight picture. I've ordered an EoTech 512. Should be here last of this week or early next week.

And, yes, I'm impressed with this weapon. I've handled a lot of weapons in my life, military & civilian, and IMO, this is one of the better built ones. I've had AK mags fail to feed before & that's one of the most reliable weapons around. If we were to scrap a family of weapons because of a minor glitch in the first ones, then I guess there wouldn't be an M16 around outside of a few museum pieces.

B. Lahey

New member
Glad you got it running. I want one too, but I'm hesitant about jumping in this early in production. KT is not known for working out all the bugs before releasing a design.

Keep us posted.