Kel-Tec Quality? (SU-16C)


New member
A good friend of mine is trying to convince me to purchase kel-tec SU-16C. It does look appealing to me, as I'm looking for a good carbine to bridge the gap between my pistol (s&w m&P) and full size rifle/shotguns (springfield M1A/rem 870). It appeals to me because of how light weight and compact it is, plus no gas impingement.

I recently took a CHL course and one of the instructors would go on and on about how shoddy Kel-tec pistols were. He'd tell stories about various Kel-tec failures including one guy who supposedly showed up for his CHL qualification with a Kel tec and the hammer fell off. He implied that kel-tec was the yugo of firearms, and they were cheaply made with inferior quality.

So the problem is I trust both of these guys, but the CHL instructor probably knows more since he makes a living in the industry. My friend is ex military (USMC scout sniper ret. 2005) so I trust him too.

Should I just go with an AR platform, or is the SU-16C a solid choice? It has recieved decent reviews from what I've read.


New member
Kel-Tec firearms serve admirably in the purpose for which they are intended. Generally, this purpose is as a deep-woods/urban contingency rifle that you can fit in a backpack. They do not have a track record that would indicate great long-term durability, however, so if this is a rifle you intend to shoot frequently, look at spending the extra $300 for a baseline AR-15.


New member
My experience with Kel-Tec rifles has been very good. Their rifles seem to be better than their pistols. Their pistols are hit and miss on getting one that works right but when you do get a pistol that works they are good concealed carry pistols.

Your CHL instructor sounds like he's exagerating how bad their pistols are but I wouldn't disagree with the point he's trying to make.

One advantage the AR15 has over the SU-16 is it has a lot of accessories and calibers to customize it anyway you want but you will end up spending a lot more money on an AR15 than a SU-16. The SU-16 would be a good choice and has a few custom parts of its own but if you want a lot of customizing options, then a AR15 would be a far better choice.

Te Anau

New member
He implied that kel-tec was the yugo of firearms, and they were cheaply made with inferior quality.
My P32 is well made and has always been reliable.
I recently took a CHL course and one of the instructors would go on and on about how shoddy Kel-tec pistols were.
He probably thinks Sigs and Kimbers walk on water as well. :rolleyes:


I've heard lots of stories of the keltec carbines (su-2000 and su-16 variants) having parts break or pressure blowouts.

Other guns to consider for such a role, for less cost than an AR, include:
Mini 14 or 30
Marlin Camp 45 or Camp 9
Ruger PC9 or PC4
Beretta CX4
Marlin 336

I own a Camp 45, and I have a friend with a Mini-14, PC4 and a 336 in .357 magnum. My Camp 45 immediately needed a new stronger recoil spring. I opted to put a red dot sight on it and really like it configured like that. My friend's PC4 has really nice irons on it, but I don't care for the trigger very much. The .357 levergun is always a classic choice for something still potent but a bit less high profile than an M1A.

I'm in the same boat as you... my go-to is an M14 custom build, then I've got an inexpensive AR-15 I built up last year and my Camp 45 as lighter carbines.

The Mini-14 might be a REALLY good choice, though, since it shares the same manual of arms as your M1A. Sights are slightly different, but not too bad. And Ruger has been hard at work making the Mini-14 more accurate over the last year. They've also released a new batch of the 20rd magazines.


New member
Thanks for all the replies.

He probably thinks Sigs and Kimbers walk on water as well.

Yeah, actually he shoots a kimber and goes on and on about how great it is ("you have to spend more money but you really get something great, it's like the cadillac of pistols")
Your CHL instructor should keep his opinions to himself about guns.

I had a kel-tec su-16A that i sold recently due to financial issues. but it was great. i got it around the same time a buddy got an AR, and i had way less issues with mine. it took more ammo, and never had a FTF. Its lite and fun to shoot.

I would say go for it.



New member
Kel Tec gets a bad rap alot of times and sometimes deservedly so, but mostly it's just gun "snobbery".
Generally there first generation guns suck, they have problems and break, then they quickly fix them (and will fix anything you ship back to them) and they are great cheap guns.
The SU-16 has been around a long time and is now a quality weapon that delivers lightweight, KISS design, and lots of fun at a cheap price. If I could find one around here at the right price I would be jumping all over it.
They have a decent amount of accessories and do take AR magazines which is a DEFINITE plus. You can "tacti-cool" it for about the same price you could an AR.
Definitely go for it!