Kel Tec PLR 16 ...


New member
This has been out for awhile now. I wanted to pick one up when they first hit the scene, but these days, I just refuse to be a beta tester. Now that it has been a few years, I am wondering what the general thought is about this gun....any issues or known problems with the design? What the durability and longevity?
Hey Def,
glad to see a new post about this gun. I also was looking at it for a few months and reading reviews before finally "pulling the trigger" and buying one. Brand new it was $499 and ugly as sin. It really cleans up well once you add a few extras such as a compact forend, 30rd Pmag, muzzle break and an optical scope.

I actually posted a video a few days ago on YouTube featuring the gun...check it out below in my link.

All in all, its a fun and relatively cheap target pistol, yes its considered a pistol. For a real life practical use, it could come in handy for a high capacity defense gun (if using hollow points) and/or small game firearm. Shoots .223 and 5.56 interchangeably.....and obviously .223 is much cheaper so I always prefer that.

Cons to this gun are its mostly glass-filled polymer and has a "cheap" exterior look....its LOUD AS HELL....and has feeding issues until broken in with a few hundred rounds. Run it wet.

Pros to this gun is its very light, relatively inexpensive to shoot & upgrade, enjoyable to shoot, VERY accurate, and affordable brand new. The gas piston system works nicely and keeps the receiver relatively clean....and the bolt carrier seems well built.

Check out my vid...I'll do a more in depth one and set up a range shoot video
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New member
If only this gun was 1.4oz lighter I would own it :mad:

It is a realy really cool piece and I'm glad to hear its working well for people


New member
I like mine a lot, though it has only a few hundred rounds through it. Too many guns, too little time. Never a failure of any kind.

Really Stevie...not even for the initial break-in period? Did you grease up the gun out of the box good? I think that was a huge factor for my early jams....I had at least 10 jams during the first 120 rounds.

Now it runs like a beast and I use cheap PMC .223 rounds. Love this gun...great range gun!


New member
Mine has been absolutely reliable, reasonably accurate and a lot of fun to shoot.

With the single point sling attached and adjusted you can push out on the pistol and shoot it like a SBR.

Micro and Stevie - what kinda of optics do you guys have going there? Stevie yours looks pretty impressive...

I made the mistake of cheaping out and buying a $45 piece of junk from Amazon....pretty sure it was meant for Airsoft and got totally wacked out after just 90 rounds.


New member
StainlessSteel215 said:
Micro and Stevie - what kinda of optics do you guys have going there? Stevie yours looks pretty impressive...

That's a cheap copy of an Aimpoint in the photo which also didn't survive.
It's since been replaced with an Ultradot.
I like the low profile of it...sorry it didnt survive. Ive also read about UltraDot and it got great reviews. Think I may scoop one up as well. Those iron sights are wacky with the half moon front sight, dont like that at all


New member
+1 WC145 "I've had mine for several years, never a bit of trouble, regardless of ammo."

I havent had any problems with mine either, runs like a top but ya it is loud, I think it and my 30 Blackhawk are my two loudest guns. I was amazed how accurate mine was, for fun I put a bi pod and a red dot I had and it was money to 100yrds all day long. I will say that the factory sights leave something to be desired but over all it could be worse. I would say that the fwd hand guard is a must and should come as factory.


New member
Really Stevie...not even for the initial break-in period? Did you grease up the gun out of the box good? I think that was a huge factor for my early jams....I had at least 10 jams during the first 120 rounds.

Nope, not a single failure of any kind through it's rather young life. Simply took it apart and cleaned it my usual way, before firing it for the first time, and then every time after the range.

Micro and Stevie - what kinda of optics do you guys have going there? Stevie yours looks pretty impressive...
:p That's just a Beamshot laser. I figured the best way to fire these things would be from the hip with the sling around your neck, so a laser would come in handy.:D But now it's sporting a Pentax Gameseeker red dot, as I just can't seem to make up my mind. But it's just a range toy, so I don't mind experimenting.;)
My local gun store had a new and used one...just keep your eyes open and call around local places.

It certainly is a fun range gun....I cant wait to throw a scope w laser or a nice new red dot on there. Still not sure which one to put on. Ive shot from the chest and also to the shoulder.....feels fine with either position.