kel-tec p32 owners, steel guide rod?


New member
I was thinking of putting one in but seem to recall somewhere on the net a guy saying that it is supposed to flex a bit with this particular gun. Any ideas?


New member
Why do you want to install it??
My wife's P32 functions just fine with the stock part.
If it's not giving you any trouble then why "fix" it???

Joe Demko

New member
Keltec offers steel guide rods because a segment of their market wants them, not because they actually improve function.


New member
It may not improve function... I am looking into the guide rod and the after market rear sight Some would say if it aint broke why fix it, but if I can replace plastic with steel without hindering its function it seems like a good idea. Just wonedering if anyone has tried this with negative results.


New member
I installed the steel guide rod in my P32 after I got my P3-AT and realized that the design of both pistols is basically identical except that the P3-AT had a steel guide rod. If you compare both pistols apart side by side you will see what I mean. The guide rod seats in the frame exactly the same in both of them. Because the steel rods come from the factory a little rough I took 640 then 1000 then 2000 grit w/d and highly polished both of them. Took away the 'vvrippp' sound when cycling the slide and made a smoother action. If a steel guide rod is good enough for the P3-AT I feel it is good enough for the P32. FWIW, I've got 150 rounds through my P32 since the switch and it functions perfect.


New member
If your pistol is functioning properly why change? The steel only adds weight, does nothing for performance. If it ain't broke....


New member
Why? I upgrade (be it guns, cars, scuba gear, ect.) to improve reliability, function and sometimes just because I think it's better. If the steel rod wasn't better than a plastic one why would Kel-Tec use them on the P-3AT which is the exact same design? The plastic ones probrably cost them less than a penny each, the steel ones maybe 5 cents each. Build 100,000 pistols with a plastic rod they make $5,000 more net profit. Same logic the car companies use.

If everyone had the "if it ain't broke why fix it" attitude we'd all still be shooting Colt Peacemakers and driving Model T's :p