Kel-Tec P11 reassembly


New member
Is there a special trick in sliding this handgun back together? Can anyone refer me to a web or a how to video? It came apart just like it should of but by the time I scrubbed 3 lbs of crud out of it, well let's just say I didn't have enough cuss words for it!!:mad: Also, this handgun had a partially chewed up recoil-guide. Is this my point of contention? :eek:
Thanks for coming:cool:


New member
I assume you're having problems getting the slide stop back in since that was the problem I had at first. It's been a while since I've messed with my P11 but I think you have to actually pull the barrel all the way forward by hand. Once you get the barrel all the way forward ( and it takes some effort ) it should go together fine. Hope that helps.


New member
BerettaBuckeye hit it. They manual doesn't say a thing about that and the first time I reassembled, I was scratching my head, and other place, trying to figure it out.


New member
Right on there fellas, the instructional dirksterg30 produced gave me a goo understanding of it!!:)

Thanks for posting!!:):):)


New member
"barrel all the way forward ( and it takes some effort )"

those few words saved me a LOT of time, I watched a video where the barrel just fell into place and your post let me know it does indeed take a noticeable bit of effort to get it to come completely forward (why it does is a mystery so far). Thanks for those few words :)
