Kel-tec p-32 or the .380?


New member
Interested in getting one of these. From what I have read, some have good luck with the .32 and some haven't, but mostly good. Have there really been improvements in the recently manufactured ones? I also read in combat handguns that the .380 had a couple of failures compared to the .32. They also said that the stopping power of the .32 and the .380 has been an on-going debate. Which would you recommend? I can't afford a seecamp or guardian..This will be for deep-concealment/self-defense so reliability is a concern. Any experience with these? TIA.

michael t

New member
In that small pistol I don't belive their a whole lot of differance. I go with the 380 as there no rimlock problem and better selection of ammo . Also later this year Corbon is coming out with a 380 round that is suppose to do 1000fps out of Keltec. Thats what they are using for a test pistol.


New member
I bought the .380 after going through the same process you are now. The bottom line for me was the P-3AT is almost the same size as the P-32 and shoots a substantially larger bullet. Make a note that the P-32 has a functioning slide stop where the P-3AT doesn't. Didn't matter to me either way.



New member
I read that the kel-tec should not use +P ammo with continous use. Is this true with the .380 or just the .32? Also, some folks have said that the p-32 is more reliable with fmj...And that the corbon's have a tendancy to rimlock....

U.F.O, are you saying that on the .380 that the slide doesn't stay open after the last round and the .32 does?


New member
No slide lock on the P-3AT so the slide doesn't stay open after the last round.

KT introduced a new version of the P-3AT at the Shot Show last week. It has a different slide and extractor. Should be available in a couple of months or so.


New member
Correct new2. The slide returns to the closed position after the last shot is fired and there is no locking lever to manually hold the slide open. The story is being passed around the internet that Kel-Tec may be in the process of working on an upgraded version that does lock, but all I've heard is the rumor. The downside of not having a slide lock would seem to be no fast visual/auditory warning that you've shot the pistol dry in a fight, but from what I've read about gunfight tunnelvision most don't immediately notice the slide locking open anyway.



New member
I've had my P-32 for about a year. Have fired several hundred rounds without a failure. S&B hardball is the fastest ammo without going to lightweight hollowpoints. You can always find a way to carry this pistol. You will like it.


New member
New P-3AT

Here's a thread on KTOG which has pics of the redesigned P-3AT. Essentially, it's a whole new gun. Slide and frame DO NOT interchange with the current generation. The new version has a beefier extractor, built-in sight and guide rod bushing, and weighs about 1 ounce more. It reportedly still doesn't have a slide lock. Supposedly the new generation P-3AT will be available in 2-3 weeks.


New member

i got one of the kel tec p32 and love it.never jammed on me yet using fmj rounds.even shoot corbon thru it and it also works fine.other thing about the p32 is it cheaper than the 380 model. :)


New member
Had a .32, sold it and got a .380.

The new extractor design solved the FTE problem that were discussed so much last year.

Either way, install a "P" sight. It makes a huge difference in practical accuracy.

Cape Canaveral


New member
I bought a P3AT.

Wouldn't feed, fire, eject randomly across various ammo.

Sent it back to the factory last week.

I am waiting to find out if I keep it or not.


New member
I had a 32 and it shot great . On a weak moment I sold it. Big mistake should have kept that gun. I bought one of the new 380's another big mistake. That gun would not shoot a full magazines without malfunctioning. Called Kel tec and they sent me a new extractor, that one was worse. Buy the 32 way better functioning gun. The 380's stink.

Dave R

New member
I had a -32, traded it in on a -3AT. Been very happy with the results. I think the .380 is a significant upgrade in power. The difference in recoil was noticeable, but not uncomfortable. I can live without a slide stop.


New member
just broke the hammer mainspring

After hearing about 3AT malfunctions I wnet down to my firing range& tried different brands through my Keltec .380. I was doing alright once I figured out that you had to hold the gun very tight. I tried some russian ammo and it would not eject. I was firing some CCI Blaser ammo and the gun would not fire. I look it over found & out that the spring from the striker to the place where it attaches to the base of the grip was broken. It broke right where the spring was bent to loop over a pin set in a plastic plug that fits in the grip right behing the magazine well.

My thoughts on the Keltec, lots of effort directed to design, but not so good on materials and machining.

It is probably the most advanced small auto in the world on the basis of design although I think they should use a striker system, lower the slide, and make the distance from trigger to grip longer, not wider.

In any case I will contact keltec tomorrow and try to get the gun repaired.