Kel Tec P-11


New member
Got to like 10+1 9mm in a pistol that disappears even into summer clothes.
DAO trigger takes a little getting used to, but it's very usable. Second strike capability is a plus. Mine's been very reliable. Accuracy is acceptable considering the 3 inch barrel, more than acceptable for SD purposes.
Recoil is pretty stiff, ergos are pretty uncomfortable, but since this is a SD only gun I don't mind. If you make a rubber grip for it out of bike tire inner tube the ergos improve a lot. Read about it on Kel Tec owners group forum, sounds goofy, works like a champ.
Good looking? No. It's decently well-made, but it's made to hide not to show off.

chris in va

New member
The Bersa is bigger and heavier, with a less potent caliber.

My P11 certainly isn't my favorite gun, but too darn easy to just stick in a pocket when I go out. The grip is just wide enough for me to hold on, but thin enough with the optonal belt clip to practically disappear IWB.

I lightened up my trigger pull a bit doing a hammer spring pin mod.

I've never had an issue with mine, but then again I don't like putting more than a couple mags through it at the range. Sucker kicks pretty good.


New member
Mine was 100% reliable, hard to shoot well but would supprise me on occasion. Cant think of a gun with a worse trigger.:D


New member
The only trouble that I have with mine is when I limp wrist - usually with weak hand only practice. Then the slide locks back with rounds still in the mag. It's an excellent gun that does what it was designed for - close in self defense. It's not a target gun and it's not enjoyable to shoot, but for a go anywhere pocket gun it is excellent. The price is also right. You should be able to get one for about $250.

By the way I use Gold Dot 124+P in it and I do have confidence in it.;)

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
I saw an older woman shoot a Bersa in a steel match :)eek:) yesterday. She was a slow shooter but she was damned accurate and the gun never jammed. In fact, she hit the center bolt on a big plate and knocked the thing apart.

One friend has a the Kel-tec - nothing but trouble.

It's a cheap gun with a bad trigger for the one mugger emergency.


New member
What JDG said.

I had one.

It was reliable considering the 10 year old reloaded ammo I shot through it but to get good groups at a target range I had to 'sssssssssssssssssssllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy' pull the trigger through it's arc.

What a pain in the rear.

But it's really not made for that.

It's made to spray 11 9mm rounds at an attacker that's maybe ten to fifteen feet away from you.

And Chriminy,for the price and how it's made.

You really cannot get a better deal.


But I traded mine for a single action Star because of the trigger.

Star's out of business and the gun I've bought is known as a parts eater.

Any P-11 (even used,I believe)is covered by a lifetime warranty and Kel-Tec I think will be around for a long time.

Boris Bush

Kel-tecs are hit or miss from what I hear. I know of a dozen or so people that have them and have shot some of them. None of us have any problems. My guess would be you are more hit than miss. Probably on par with a 1911 as far as hit or miss percentages go..........


New member
KelTec .32

OK, no comments about "like a real gun, only smaller"; I have a KelTec .32 with a belt clip for shorts and t-shirt wear.

It's a straight shooter at 10 yards; good groups; albeit not much of a punch. That said, I wouldn't want to get hit by it. I labored over the KT 9mm but wanted the small size.

Semper Gumby


New member
Well, I owned four Kel-Tecs, including one P-11.

None, not one, was reliable.

Kel-Tec is great about sending you free parts. If you get a good one, it will probably be fine.

I'm batting 0- for- 4 and with four strikes, I'm done.

fat old gun nut

New member

I have owned .32, .380, 9mm and 223 carbine Kel-Tecs. They all passed the only test I have for firearms. They all went "bang" every time I pulled the trigger.:)

Boris Bush


Dont take it the wrong way, but these pistols are jamomatics if you limpwrist. I have said it before, but here I go again. My main shooting buddy is the only person I know that can make a G19 jam, both of 'em both of his 1911s.......................................................................................... Then when he shoots my P-32, guess what. It does nothing but jam, jam, jam, jam, jam.

It is a 100% shooter for me with any round that fits in the mag.

When I shoot his Glocks and 1911s, guess what. No jams with the exception of one in one of his 45s when I used the slide stop to charge the weapon.


New member
Lockpicker I have only good things to say about my p11 as well. Had it sitting beside me this evening as I watched TV in the living room. (And I've got Glocks, Sigs, CZ's, etc.)

I agree with what the others have said: nasty trigger and kicks hard but it's very small, dependable, and accurate enough for social use.


New member
For a few buck more, you can get the same package, but in .40 cal. The P-40 is identical, except for the barrel and 2 less rounds.



New member
The .40 isn't made anymore. Might find a used one somewhere. You think the 9mm kicks hard, just try the .40 if you can find one.
Well I ordered one today it should be in Friday. How many rounds should it take to break it in? Also is it bad to keep the clip fully loaded with 10 rounds or will that wear out the spring?