Keep this gun off the streets (poster re-make)

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
Old poster played off an anti soundbyte. I didn't like the typography much, so I tried to re-make it.

Caption has evolved a bit. Comments and suggestions are welcome: I am not sure if this image would supercede the old one, run concurrently with it or require further editing.

(The file is attached as my server is still down)

PS: No offense meant to left-handed folk ;)


New member
Great photo on the remake, but the blue and red are a little harsh on a computer screen. Printed in greyscale, it should look awesome.



New member
But then you'd lose the patriotic effect.

This one looks good for preaching to the choir, but I can't see it making the point to any fence sitters.


New member
I like them both. Agree that the type on the old one needs something to make it easier to read. The red and blue on the new one look great on my monitor. I would not replace the old one - keep them both.